Re: I need help

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White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother

Jan 30, 2018, 5:48:24 PM1/30/18
to, Blue Hoop 4 Heart Songs
Beloved Grandmother Rachael (gray child),
First I am going to add you to hoop 6, a stepping stone, google group. If you have a gmail account, please send that forwards to me. Until then I add your aol account mail to the system. 

Hearing your story, regarding your family, you must fight for them. You will get tools from elders if you decide to try counseling with Holiness David and I. These times call for action, rather than reaction. So you will have to learn some new spiritual skills and start to activate them into your life. So you have to be around me and talk with me and most of all, ask questions. We can talk on the phone as well, but you need to show up and be honorable to yourself and to elders. That is up to you. 

Many of the new kids, born ready and prepared with the new time (many call the new age kids). But we are not all young kids being born. We are elders and olders and youngers and children. WE are those who chose love instead of hate. We are the ones who suffer for those who have not learned how to love or purify themselves yet. So it means, you must FIGHT FOR THEM, in a whole new way. We fight for the prayer, the blessing, the sharing of hearts, through music daily gatherings. You can even do this over the phone, like we do with others, even through chat as well. Think about this for your kids. Start to validate everyone, even those who give you a hard time. Repeat what they say, then say what you need to say. Because if you are unwilling to listen to them, then they are surely not willing to listen to you. It's a whole new tool. And we have a spiritual world war three going on all around us as well, with electronic invasion and terrorism. 

You have to stay well during all of this changing. This means sticking close to our hoops and family of relatives who are on the RAinbow Trail or those who use the law of love, fighting for the blessings. Never give up and we can talk more, I think by chat or phone. Let me know when you have time my beloved Holy Sister (wears lavender on your sacred buffalo robe, this means you must play the drum every day for you and for others as well. This is a great power you must cultivate).

Todays song is Honor the Rainbow. 

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings: Honor the Rainbow (facebook post of the same sacred song blessing) 

Where can you go to be safe? Well that is a big question. If you are serious, come to Palo Alto, we are getting set up or you can wait for awhile and learn to fight for your family. Also we need to talk about electronic terrorism and mind control issues. Then we really need to get you help. So for now, we are with us. Few talk on the hoops, because the world is changing fast, but be sure hundreds and thousands are listening to us. It is safe where I stand, because we will be training spiritual warriors (first responders) to survive. 

Alright my love, I am near, just wanted to think with you in the wind to hear your heart. Sending you some cheer.
The adding to the group hoop 6, stepping stone, may take me another day or at least a few hours. Talk to you soon. 

Your devoted granddaughter, 
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child,

Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, Holy People of the Rainbow

A song from your heart my beloved Grandmother Rachael

Today, today I sing my praise with rain. I feel the drops again, in my heart. Today, today I fill my well and pray, that God will find a miracle for me to make it on my page. Today, today, my heart feels the waves, sending me to the nether regions of my mind. Today, today, let love come to my heart and shine it better than ever we could do our part. 

Shine true, shine true my heart longs to view, the sending of angels with words that come true. I believe. I believe, let my heart feel and conceive that heaven is flowing down on my face. I send my loving arms in the winds of time to hear the songs of angels in the wings. Send me, send me, I will be there to believe. I will send my heart out into the breeze. Shine free, shine free, my heart sends love to thee to share our hearts out into the air.

(I keep hearing this music while I am singing your sacred song blessings, now I am playing it and I will continue singing your song for you)

The Best Of Charlotte Church-The Prayer

Song: The Prayer Artist: Charlotte Church with Josh Groban

We are on the place of heaven, the place where I glide and find my heart. I will sing and bring in hopes and dreams. I will begin to fly with you. I am open to my heart. Let my eyes tears. I want to feel you for awhile. Send my heart and feel the hopes of the people everywhere. 

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings from the heart of Grandmother Rachael. I bow, tears of glory, the center of the sacred circle has returned to our hearts. You are a part. (embraces sent towards you)

The Prayer by Josh Groban and Charlotte Church (lyrics)

oh you can check this page out for more colors  

On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 8:25 AM, <> wrote:

Hello, I found you through pact ntl's website. My name is Rachael Karolczak. I was born in Northern Minnesota but have never felt wanted or belonged. I try to be a good family member and contribute to society but no one wants me to it seems. I am not bad, but am treated as such. I feel that I am a targeted individual but i cannot even think of where to start. I've always longed to belong somewhere. Even as a small child, I always felt bad or unbelonging. Things are better for me when I leave this area but I always seem to come back. I used to have problems staying sober. I've worked hard to overcome that yet things just seem to go worse the better I get. They want me off of the red road. I am currently hiding in a former friends apartment. They told me I could stay here because they are not using it. This individual, whom I've known for 25 years, has for some reason been talking to law enforcement about having me arrested. I've been told by other peoplethey've been asking about me. In May I started a 2 month treatment program in Orange County and I felt wonderful. I come back here and am being harrassed by law enforcement and put in bad situations by people who talked me into coming back here. People I thought loved me. I have teenage children whomhave been in the care of my parents for 12 years. The goal, as I understood it, was to help me and my family. Now, I see that the goal is to keep me from having a family. Why, when I was doing bad things, did people treat me better than they do now that I have a sober mind? My parents and brother tell me i am crazy and evil, that I always have been. As a teenager my parents even recorded my phone calls and surveilled me. Why? I'm told I am bad and crazy and that I want to hurt people. But I do not. I never have. It hurts me tht people hurt. I've nbeen prone to emotional outbursts and i used to think it was me. Now, after all this thereapy I come back here and people that say they love me are telling me, "I've got yourback. I'm sticking up for you to people. I ask why? and get mad because why are they sticking up for me when I'm not doing anything?And They yell at me and say "Whats wrong with you? Why are you yellin?" Since childhood I was easy to get reactions from. They played me like a fiddle. Now I see this insanity and have no way out. I want so much to be amother, to be accepted, but thats not going to happen. Why do people in other places treat me like a person when the peolpe her mock me and call me a criminal?  I've decide that I will do or give up anything to continue my life, which for some reason so many want to control and keep control of. I want to be of service to people. To love and be loved. A sense of belonging and purpose, which I feel that I've not been allowed. So many strange experiences, many special and unbelievable but I know I'm not special. I feel that my soul chose this difficult mission with great purpose. I wish I'd not come back here. I'm not allowed to see my children unless I go to my parents house where I am treated like a retarded child. My children have more clout than I do. My brother tries to start fights and tries to have me jailed. I need to get out of here. No one will give me a leg up. I'm intelligent, hard working, and been told I'm much above average on the intelligence scale. I have no where to go, no one wants me , no one wants to give me a chance. I would travel anywhere just to be given a chance at SOMETHING! Do you know where i can go or what I should do? Is there a place for someone like me? I have no birthright, my children taken(or given away because I was stupid and young). A year ago I was working as an Ambassador for Amazon. It seemed my family did everything they could to deter from normality. yes, this is my point of view but after leaving for months and getting my head together I can see what danger I'm in and how lucky I am to be alive and sane especially the latter. I'm not looking for a handout or anything like that. Just a chance. At something. ANYTHING. I never gave a lot of stock to that indigo child stuff but your webpage makes sense. I'd say I'm one of those and I really need some guidance from someone who thinks like I do and can read me for who I am. No one here understands me and they sure seem to fear and despise me. Please please let me know if you know of anywhere safe I can go where i can be of service and get back on the path of my calling, whatever that me be.

Thank you and much love!
Sincerely, Rachael

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