White Buffalo Calf Woman sings: Taku Skan Skan (Spiritual Vitality, the Great Give a Way of the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy)

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White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother

Apr 19, 2019, 9:24:29 PM4/19/19
to Hoop 6

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings: Taku Skan Skan 
(Spiritual Vitality, the Great Give a Way of the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy)

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Taku Skan Skan The Great Give a Way.png
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Taku Skan Skan The Great Give a Way.png

Taku Skan Skan (Spiritual Vitality, the Great Give a Way of the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy)

Wake up my beloved child. Wake up. I have something for you. I have something for you. I will gift my heart for you. Wake up. Wake up. There are colors flying all around us, they are stacked. Let our hearts soar across time and bind all of our Relatives together. Let us swelter, become campfires in the sky, colors that paint the sky.

We are part of this cosmic unity. Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy have dreamed and foretold. They have come to walk this land and make it a perfect wave. Let us become this force, the vitality of the spiritual river of life. Yes we are stacked. All of us together paint a garden of love, a paradise with a drum. Our hearts are ONE. Let us become the holy state, the making of a heart that baits and says, "Wake Up", "I brought love". "I brought love". Let us find this place of harmonic slate, the picture of many stories. We are this glory. Come on home. Awake before it's too late. Awake. We are in the dream state.

Cosmic tales help us all to whale, sail across the seas and visions we hold gallantly. We are part of this place where dreams come, takes hold of you. Yes, we look for and put a lock on the door, for those who hold evil in their stores. For the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy heal the world and we will open the doors for all those who hold love inside of their hearts and stand fast to all that prevails with sails. And bait those who are in an awful state and bring them home by healing their suns (spiritual dome). Within a light is born. Within a storm a glory is known. Within there is hope, where the spirit gropes. We pull on those long ropes (beams of light).

(will be continued) White Buffalo Calf Woman had to go get sum knews. Love sometimes is bruised. Will be back soon. Love goes zoom.

WE are known as the soldiers of fortune (treasure chests within with precious gifts) who got it all rite (ceremonies with the Great Spirits). We bless and pray for others to find their way. We will become what is needed to protect this kingdom. We will be soldiers who fight for God, the Great Spirits wrath (the law is love). We will walk on the waves of the heavenly divine that shines, the sacred ghost walkers, the spiritual warrior who basks. We are the stars who will bow down to where we need to go, to help and breed love into every single seed. We will become the stars and the kingdom will rear it's legs for the stack. We together will find a place to become. We will shine this land for all to shine.

Stars of the sacredness of the deep dark blue, the heart of the kingdom lies inside of you. And if a soldier dies for the loved ones, then hokehay (battle cry, I will live for you, I will die for you), I gift my life for this daze. I will fight for love. I will become the dream foretold. I will become the Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy. I will show the world how stars guide others who are lost and off course. Show me your heart and I will find you close to me. Show me your every turn, the twinkle you burned, then forgiveness we will urn. We will bless with this sacred pipe, our words. We will sing songs for salvation and bring back harmony. We will beat forever our hearts will always seek.

Lord of heaven, Great Father (17) show me your eyes. We are together yet there is a great divide. We will become your children devoted to your rules, to love one another and be faithful with joyful glee. We send our love out to yee, all of my Relatives in the winds, those who glow. We share our star light in seasons and reasons to learn this path, the continuation of the Rainbow Trail, where stars and treasures rare come to share. We hold this place true my beloved Great Father (17) for you to know. We are the children who want the Rainbow prophecy to shine upon our path, those frequencies of harmonic tunes. We bless you.

And with all that shines within me, I will become the light of the raging rainbow streams, where all the colors will beat. Together our light, cosmic bright will become stars that shine forth and walk with worth. Honor and humility will show us the way to continue for a better daze. We dream for you, with you. We the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy send our hearts into the deep dark blue, where love is the only rule. Just bow with the rainbow, where the spiritual heart rules and all will become the holy blessed child.

We the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy show us the way to bring in a holy craze (dancing, singing with great joy), the colors splash an array, where colors bow down together and form a good wave. A tidal wave that pushes us together (cangleska wakan, hoop sacred) the heavenly divine shines our hearts as One, the person within shines it like I am divine light in order for others to be shown (waves of loving vibrations, true blue). I am the creation of colors within me. I can share this prophecy of Rainbow Warriors who heal this world and turn every head with their crowns (part of the royal family of the heavenly crown). Let us all remember we are from the royal blue family of the true (when our hearts are spiritual imparts, parting of the waves, frequency arrays). We will become the heavenly divine that shows us the waves of the greatest story that comes through. Our hearts will beat as ONE. Love will become the only rule. I bow down with your heart and kick those who are down, say awake, because I am here, let us run. Let our spirits fly. Let us become Brothers, Sisters, let us shine forth to show others the way home in four directions, the colors of the rainbow where we are ONE.

Rainbow Clan, including Man, I stand. I take my heart into this place that has gone far, from star to star. And with this holy place, I gift my grace. I send my love to all those missions with greatness that is to behold and take those tales to scold. We are forever and ever the place we need to beat, the loving divine shine that always knows how to bow sweet. This is the place where soldiers (veterans, akicita) gather each and everyone, war stories that held those guns, need a place to lay in glory. Let this circle shine true, to bring us to this bound, the loving tenderness of everything gone wrong. We forgive the standing cries we take to bed. Let us show others we can learn to pray and forgive. Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy shine it's path divine. Show others the stars within, the crystalline light that shines.

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings this very tune, to say my soldiers you have dyed too soon (with your little light, shine it bright). Yet if you wake up and shake your body to dance. Bring your old war stories and tell all of the young. We need to shine it true for them to find a way, to overcome difficulties each and every sun (during the day). Let those colors, the sacred buffalo hide, bring us together and shine a light for us to scribe. A story of goodness that longed for better days. So we got faithful, the spiritual heart we saved.

Gifted by Alightfromwithin.org Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, Holy People of the Rainbow



Lakota, the Concept of Wakan or Holy

1. wakan as "mystery" (***walking, to and fro, the wave or frequency)
2. tanka" as "something great" (***talking, the dew, the story of wisdom and knowledge, the breath of life, our talking)
3. Wakan Tanka (***Great Spirit Father 17),
4. Tunkashila (***Grandfather 15),
5. Wakanpi or Wakan Tanka are (***Wakanpi or many who are holy belonging to all of us or pi meaning we are. This is often reference to Great Spirit Father 17, however we are within each other and belong to each other, mitakuye oyasin or all my relatives of the relativity spacial fields, thus the spiritual light is in sight, dreaming bright, star light, cosmic bite.)
6. Taku SkanSkan (**life force, the Great Give-a-way)
7. wicasa wakan is man holy or medicine man, a term for a Lakota priest or spirit medicine..
8. pejuta wicasa is healing or medicine man or doctor.
9. tonwan or ton (***spiritual assistance or power)
10.**** iyeska or interpreter of stories, visions and dreams
11, Wasicun comes from the Lakota for "he takes the fat", from wašiƞ (cooking fat) + cu, from icu (“to take”). old Lakota word for medicine bundle, referring to the bundles of goods.

* (start)
Lakota: Concept of Wakan
To try to describe the Lakota (Sioux) concept of "wakan" would be much like trying to put down a few paragraphs and accurately and amply sum up "God." It can't be done. Wakan is so faceted in nature it would be impossible to describe it all in words, but the following is an attempt to convey just a inkling of what it is all about.

Lakota Great Spirit
In the world of the Lakota, the word wakan means many things, yet nothing that is easily understood. Even among the Lakota themselves a great deal of thought and study is necessary in a quest to understand the concept of wakan.

Those who travel among the Lakota hear them speak of their beliefs in wakan by many names: Wakan Tanka (***Great Spirit Father 17), Tunkashila (***Grandfather 15), **Taku SkanSkan (life force, the Great Give-a-way)
* (end)

** (start)
The Lakota have an ancient phrase-- skan, taku skanskan – which we commonly translate as “life force”. Literally, it means “something in movement, spiritual vitality”. It might be helpful for us to consider life force in these terms, that is, as the vital movement of our existence.

The Giveaway ceremony we hold on one of the days of our Hero’s Journey passage acknowledges the importance of the circulation of energy, spiritual vitality and material to the well-being of our bodies and being. Any thought, behavior or material substance that stays with us beyond its time begins to
weigh-down and diminish our existence. Even as it may have uplifted us upon its arrival.

In choosing the gift you will offer to the Giveaway, please be guided by your soul’s desire to be vitally alive. Take the risk letting go of something of value that has stood still for too long in your possession. Something that has gifted you abundantly with its beauty, meaning and significance. Something that may
likewise move another. Let your choosing take you to the edge of your comfort zone, unlike choosing a book, for example, that might be easily replaced. Something that creates a void in your life, space for some new vitality that is seeking to find its way to you. You may also want to wrap it up in a particular way that has meaning for you as well, so also give some thought to what you will use as a covering for your gift.
** (end)

* (start)
Great Spirit, Grandfather. The traveler might ask "Are these names for one being or for many?" The answer would have to be both.

To the Lakota, those which made everything are Wakan Tanka. Though wakan have separate meanings unto them selves, Wakan Tanka can be loosely interpreted as "wakan" as "mystery" and "tanka" as "something great." And being the "creators," the Wakan Tanka also are Wakanpi, those things above mankind. They are never born and they never die. The Wakanpi, spirits, have power over everything on earth and control everything mankind does. There are benevolent Wakanpi that will bestow the wishes man asks of them, and evil Wakanpi that are to be feared. and

Man uses songs, ceremony and gifts to honor and appease, all under the auspices of the holy man or shaman, wicasa wakan. Prayers offered to the wakan beings as a whole are addressed to Wakan Tanka, but prayers offered to a specific being should address the being by name.

Music is a good vehicle of prayer, and it is said the Wanka Tanka always give attention when they hear the drums and rattles. While the good wakan beings are fond of prayers that reach them on the smoke of sweetgrass, the evil wakan beings fear the smoke of sage. All the Wakan Tanka are pleased with the smoke of the Lakota pipe.

White culture sometimes refers to the Lakota medicine man as a "medicine man," or as the Lakota say, wicasa wakan, when he is performing ceremonies, and believe he is making medicine when doing so. This is incorrect because the Lakota call something a medicine only when it is being used to tend to the sick or injured, and so the proper term would be pejuta. So a man of medicine among the Lakota, a, which is not to be confused with wicasa wakan, which is a holy man, or shaman. A wicasa wakan is wise, one who knows and has power with the spirits and can communicate with them. He knows the songs and the ceremonies and can interpret visions. He can tell people what the spirits expect of them, predict the future, speak to nature...to everything on earth. So one, the pejuta wacasa, tends to the physical being, while the other, wicasa wakan, tends to the spiritual.

When a holy man uses an object in a ceremony that object becomes filled with something that best be described, for lack of an actual English term, as "spirit." The Lakota use the term tonwan or ton to describe it.

****(start) tonwan or ton (***spiritual assistance)
(By Sword, Translated by Burt Means.)

Wakan means very many things. The Lakota understands what it means from the things that are considered wakan; yet sometimes its meaning must be explained to him. It is something that is hard to understand. Thus wasica wakan, means a white man medicineman; but a Lakota medicineman is called pejuta wacasa. Wicasa wakan is the term for a Lakota priest of the old religion. The white people call our wicasa wakan, medicineman, which is a mistake. Again, they say a wicasa wakan is making medicine when he is performing ceremonies. This is also a mistake. The Lakota call a thing a medicine only when it is used to cure the sick or the wounded, the proper term being pejuta. When a priest uses any object in performing a ceremony that object becomes endowed with a spirit, not exactly a spirit, but something like one, the priests call it tonwan or ton. Now anything that thus acquires ton is wakan, because it is the power of the spirit or quality that has been put into it. A wicasa wakan has the power of the wakan beings. ****(end)

Ton is the power to do the supernatural. Rattle, smoke, feather...once anything has tonwicasa wakan has the power of wakan beings, bestowed upon him by wakanton has been placed, called a Wasicun,

Wasicun (start)
Folk etymology claims that it comes from the Lakota for "he takes the fat", from wašiƞ (cooking fat) + cu, from icu (“to take”). More likely, it comes from an old Lakota word for medicine bundle, referring to the bundles of goods brought by French traders, and originally did not carry the derogatory meaning of the modern word. Compare Dakota wašicuŋ (“white man”).
Alternative forms washichu, washicun, wasichu, wasi'chu, wašicun

white person, Caucasian, white people
a non-Indian
a native person who has lost their culture and thus become "not native".
greedy person, dishonorable person

from which the shaman do their work from. White culture would probably call this a "medicine bag," which is incorrect because there is no "medicine" in it. White doctors or Lakota pejuta wacasa would have "medicine bags," not holy men. Wasicun is actually a wakan being too, but the least powerful of all. it becomes wakan because the spirit is said to have entered it. Therefore, a beings. With that power the holy man can put ton into anything. He also has a place of his own where

Like Wanka Tanka, which can be good or evil, this ton is not necessarily positive in the big picture either. For example, the roots of certain plants are wakan because they are poisonous or some reptiles are considered wakanwakan because the stories handed down from generation to generation have said the wakan beings made them so. A person acting out of the norm, appearing "crazy," is wakan. Even alcohol, which makes one "crazy," is wakan. On the other hand, food is wakan because it gives life. Very old things are wakan because their origin is a mystery. Babies are wakan because they do not speak. Every object in the world has a spirit and that spirit is wakan, good or evil, put there by Wanka Tanka, good or evil. because their bite can kill. Some animals are

Lame Deer served his people as a medicine man and ritual leader for many years and could easily be considered somewhat of an "expert" on concept and tradition among the Lakota. About Wakan Tanka he said:

You can't explain it except by going to the circles within circles idea, the spirit splitting itself up into stones, trees, tiny insects even, making them all wakan by his everpresence. And in turn all these myriad of things which make up the universe flowing back to their source, united in the one Grandfather (15, tunksila) spirit (***star light bows down to the Rainbow Trail, we wail. White Buffalo Calf Woman sings the tales).
* (end)

***http://www.facebook.com/publicfigurewhitebuffalocalfwoman (Inside of parenthesis with numeric values by iyeska or interpreter WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother)

Seven Lakota Rites



White Buffalo Calf Woman sings the Hoops Holiness David (Running Eagle Shooting Star) Takes a Scoop https://www.facebook.com/PublicFigureWhiteBuffaloCalfWoman/posts/10155096721159737

White Buffalo Calf Woman

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings the Hoops Holiness David (Running Eagle Shooting Star) Takes a Scoop

Hoops White Buffalo Calf Woman.jpg
Hoops White Buffalo Calf Woman.jpg

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings the Hoops Holiness David (Running Eagle Shooting Star) Takes a Scoop

~Canchala, the token of the majesty (one must forgive in order to receive, this is the sacred hoop, we need, thus becomes the seed . . . of eternal love, a rock in a pond ripples a song divine, a blessing in time). Twin Deer Mother notes: This is the sacred blue hoop, the sound waves from your heart, the spiritual river of many colors, the rainbow trail.
~Cangleska Wakan is a Lakota term meaning Sacred Circle or Hoop. 
~čhaŋ: tree, wood, stick, 24 hours or number before čhaŋ or the time. Trees ring, bring the law of love. 24 is the book of life, registers your lessons and accomplishments through the sacred buffalo journey on the rainbow trail. This also pertains to the blue hoop of the heavenly connected dream fields, which in Lakota is represented by all my Relatives, Mitakuye Oysin. We are part of relativity, the spacial continuum of rings and hoops in the universe as we spiral together and in harmony. This is what the hoops teach us. Twin Deer Mother notes.
~čhaŋna: when, there, whenever.
~can cega (chahn-chay-ghah) drum

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings the Hoops Holiness David (Running Eagle Shooting Star) Takes a Scoop

HOOPS (sacred song blessings)

Feel the beating of my feet today. I am dancing with a holy praise. Round a circle I know this daze, I am dreaming a world of craze.

Let me fly with my spirit when I dance. Round the circle I hear the prance, the many colors the people within, the many tribes of colors begin. Where we are, is the place where we start, the eastern shore to my light, I will gift sight away. Here where I begin, my heart will eliminate this sin, because we are weapon of God, the Oneness calls us home. Sending our love away, into the mighty ocean of waves. We are the Great spiritual, the leavens of many things gold. And when we dance, we eliminate the sins, the breath of life enters us once again. We are part of this hoop of light. We are overcoming all this strife.

Feel the beating of my feet. I am dancing with a holy beat. I am in a circle of love. And my witness is from above. All my spirit rise to touch this world. Take me by the hand and we will understand, that love is the waking and my heart is shaking. Let my spirit run free, when I am dancing for liberty. I will be God's witness today. I will send my prayer on those waves.

Let my soul on fire, my inner light will cleanse this mire. Let me smears wake up and shine, instead of creating a brand. We are all in need you seek, the sacred circle, the hoop we keep, that all is a give-a-way, Mother Earth says. And if she is willing to divide, all of the spoils for every single child, what are we fighting for. It is time for us to open our doors.

Send this sacred hoop to me, where I will find all my family. Round this world, we are dancing for love to create hoops of rings and like the dove. We will bring peace on earth, because the rings will touch this girth, from the cosmos and upon this land, the sacred hoop will stand.

I hear the beating of God's plan.

Great Spirits calling to me. All of the children need a family. This is the sacred hoop of colors, where we are clans and tribes understanding. Let love come into our hearts, dominion is for each and every torch, let this light inside of us fly, into the holiness of this sky.

Gift your love away. Sounds of the beating dance a prayer today. Round this circle, help us remember true, the cosmic dance in the sacred blue. I find my relative in you.

Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drumming for your heartbeat, moving round this dart. Flying with the waves, sounds of horrendous (swelling you cannot stop) praise. I say to you, we will become our phased, when love is the sacred race.

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings to the heart of everything. It is time tor us to grow, into the magic of those rows. Send your heart into this world, time for heaven to make us swirl. Dancing and leaping around in our heads, time to head on home, where the sacred stone loans (gifting the pounding of your heartbeat).

Gifted by Alightfromwithin.org
Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, Holy People of the Rainbow

Cangleska Wakan is a Lakota term meaning Sacred Circle or Hoop

Cangleska Wakan is a Lakota term meaning Sacred Circle or Hoop. It is based on the Sioux concept that everything in the universe is interrelated, human beings and all things which exist in their environment are connected in one continuous process of growth and development. Cangleska being circle and Wakan meaning holy or sacred. The film addresses the concept of the Sacred Hoop through the eyes and voices of the Lakota Nation. Shot on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota during the Winter/ Spring of 2008 /09 the cinematography captures a stark and unrivaled beauty which transcends all barriers connecting it’s heart to that of it’s audience.

The film is considered a performative documentary. Stressing an emotional response to the world it is personal, unconventional and experimental. Linking personal accounts with historical realities through interviews the film includes hypothetical enactments and historical re-enactments of events which offers the viewer a specific perspective on a world which is not theirs yet provides a spiritual connection they can relate to.

The Cangleska Wakan / Sacred Hoop represents the unity that binds the Lakota nation together with shared values and a clan system. These values include amongst others the language, ceremonies such as the sweat lodge and vision quest, the pipe, storytelling, songs, religion, bravery, respect, wisdom, generosity, the four directions, mother earth, father sky, teachings from elders and a belief that everything which is good and holy is circular in shape.

Whope (wohpe) Singing Cards
All my Relations, I bow with you on the hoops of the universe. Your devoted Pte San Win Wbcw White Buffalo Calf Woman, elder crystal child of the Rainbow Clan including Man. White Buffalo Calf Woman Loves You the Pipe of Many Hues (Whope Singing Card Give-a-ways) HOOPS Love One Another Stoop Bow With the Hoop White Buffalo Calf Woman (Wohpe) Singing Cards for the Great Give-a-way https://www.facebook.com/groups/WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman

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