Grandmother Sowing the Pillows sings: Holy Eagle Star Nations Re: prayer song story pictures

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White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother

Sep 17, 2014, 8:27:52 AM9/17/14
to Blue Hoop 4 Heart Songs
Grandmother Sowing the Pillows sings: Holy Eagle Star Nations from Re: prayer song story pictures

Please open up to view from Grandmother Sowing the Pillows our Waking Rainbow Fumes images and prayer songs to get us all along.
your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman,
elder crystal child,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 8:23 PM, nicole swan ministryoftheheart <> wrote:

WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeer Mother , Elders, Relatives , Sisters and Brothers ,

 i bow before you , Shambo, I bow to the four holy directions and the nine sacred streams

Heavenly Father , Heavenly Mother all Creators creations i bow with you
CupOfGoD , Bread of Life , i give thanks for this opening of communication
Mother Earth and the Waters around her Girth i thank thee for your Healing Mirth , i rejoice at this Rainbow Birth where Crystal Sun shine Rainbow Truth through Blue streams and Indigo light beams across nations around stations Lighting up the grid raising light energies to help Mother Earth  Maheyah,

(I hold the Lion by the tail , i let out a giant whale (of a sigh))


I give thanks for the  Mercy and Compassion afforded me


I pray

The Lord  Lady is my shepherd , I shall not want

He She lay me down to lie in pastures green

He She leadeth me the quiet waters by

Nay tho I walk through the valley of shadows

I shall fear no evil for Thou Heavenly Mother , Heavenly Father , Bread of Life , O Benevolent Ones

Are with me all the days of my life


Thou preparest a table before me even in the face of mine enemies

Thou annoinsts my head with oils my cup runneth over

The rod and thy staffs comfort me through all the days of my life

And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever



 I Bless All Ways , always in all ways , i Love you

i sing

Maheyah  heyoh heyoh heenayahana heyo heyo heyo ha

heyoh heyoh heenayahana heyo heyo heyo ha 


Spirit Eagle came by last night as i prayed , twice he did cry in the indigo sky ,

Silver Goddess Light  in evening westward flowing

Star Nations shine bright  Smiling as Mother Earth glows and flows through dreamlands

Towards the birdsong of dawning renewing day Sun is calling

(thanking Creator for this Abundance of beauty and sunshine and oneness with open heart thy will is my will )


 With Respect I thank great spirit  for all  i give thanks to  All ,

Oh Lord , Benevolent One , Spirit of water , Prince of the West ,  i Love Thee till kingdom come ,

my heart belongs to thee as sure as water flows through my body  till infinity  , i give thanks for Thee

Golden Hues with Rainbows true  Let the Spirit Shine on You Medicine Power be with you

I bow to the four holy directions and the nine sacred streams

with sacred smoke , fire and dew  the Lords Angels too
Weiyaheya heenayahana weiyaheya  weiyaho

Let the Spirit Shine on you Medicine Power be with You

Dreams on a Journey
Waking Rainbow Fumes
I bow with great respect to all relatives , Elders and the Whole  the One The All

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