Localhost 3000 refuses connection

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Jun 16, 2018, 11:22:17 AM6/16/18
to RailsInstaller
I appear to have successfully installed Ruby and Rails. I can create an app on the command line.
But when I try to start the server in the Browser, the connection refuses. It also refuses on 3001, and trying to use or .1 is similarly futile.

What am I missing? Thanks, this is for school and I am working on a deadline.

Nancy M.

Surya Avantsa

Jun 16, 2018, 11:38:30 AM6/16/18
to railsin...@googlegroups.com
You would run the server from the command line and then access it from the browser.

To start the server, from the command line, go to your app folder and run the command >run server -p 3000

To access your application from the browser, go to localhost:3000

Please check the syntax for accuracy, though.

Thank You,

Surya Avantsa

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Jun 16, 2018, 8:20:51 PM6/16/18
to RailsInstaller
It's still refusing. I've tried run server -p 3000 and rails server -p 3000

run server was received on the command line as an error
rails server was accepted but I still got the same refusal message

I'll keep trying

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