RainsInstaller in a secured lab enviroment

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Brian Subia

Nov 2, 2017, 4:32:28 PM11/2/17
to RailsInstaller
We have a teacher who would like to utilize RailsInstaller in a lab. Currently the labs are locked down and users have limited rights to simply run applications from the Program Files folder. I am not familiar with what all the applications in this package are doing but when we try and run it in our environment is will not work. Dose this program require that the end users have full administrator rights to a system to function correctly?

Christopher Rigor

Nov 6, 2017, 9:51:25 PM11/6/17
to RailsInstaller
Hi Brian,

So RailsInstaller is already installed in the computers and you get an error when you try to use it? Do you have an exact error message or a screenshot?
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