Wow, this is amazingly cool.

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Tom Morris

Jul 6, 2008, 7:16:20 AM7/6/08
to Rails Camp UK
A few people in the London geek community have always talked about how
excellent it would be to have a rural geek gathering - very glad that
this has started. I knew I'd have to come along the moment I saw it,
even though I'm not a Rails programmer (Ruby is now my hacking
language of choice though).

Thanks again for organising this.

Tom Morris

Pat Allan

Jul 6, 2008, 11:53:01 AM7/6/08
No problems - hopefully there's many more Rails Camps to come :)

And don't stress about not being a Rails dev - sessions at the Aus
camps vary from Rails to Merb to pure Ruby to Agile methodology.

(Also, for everyone else reading: more than half the beds are taken)


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