Retro Notes for RailsBridge Workshop for Women @ Bleacher Report 5/20-5/21

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Anna neyzberg

May 22, 2016, 3:12:55 PM5/22/16
Student Retro
one on one ratio
helpful volunteers
[blue] good pace
  good starting point
  good volunteers
[orange] diverged and explored more
good discussion prompts (message)
flexibility to ask specific questions
welcoming environment
[purple] PR for BT was a great task (yay Zee!)
installfest curriculum is the bomb
[green:amy/oscar] volunteers were spread out

more small (5-10 minuts) breaks or stretches between pages
[orange] optional session extension (brainstorm)
possible refresher course for non-installers
talk about installfest optionality
common terms sheet; recurring commands (for printing beforehand)
remind teachers to have done everything at least once, including installfest
[orange] passing the projectioningability
[purple] bigger monitor/smaller groups

lack of breakfast!!!
too much lunch
not enough guac
coffee not nearly visible enough
lean to code curriculum needs updated

Teacher Retro
cool location
food was good
students were great
good ratio student/ta/teacher
good schedule - segments weren't too long
good curriculum
gave good information

TA could be utilized more - rather than teacher leading - ?
1-to-1 ratio too many per student
Pausing to ask for questions at designated places in the curriculum - to make sure students have clear understanding

students didn't self identify correctly
suggestion for groups 
editing description - to make it more clear if students are new to web development 
make sure someone is familiar with operating systems in classes - has issues helping student with windows

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