the impact of RailsBridge: looking for stories

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Sarah Allen

Feb 21, 2016, 3:32:57 PM2/21/16
Hi everyone,

I'm working to pull together some good stories for a report a few of us are working that includes a synthesis of research that supports patterns that I've witnessed at RailsBridge workshops.  Along with the research, it would be good to highlight some real people to humanize the data.

I've met many women at RailsBridge workshops who had left the field (or had computer science degrees but pursued alternate career paths), but I never learned whether the workshops actually had an impact.

Does anyone know of someone who had left the field (or had a CS degree and never entered it), went to a RailsBridge workshop, and subsequently became a software developer or active coder in some way?

Additionally, I'm interested in any stories where the workshops had a significant positive impact on someone's life :)



Steve Barnett

Feb 22, 2016, 5:42:33 AM2/22/16
to RailsBridge Workshops

One of our alumni wrote a lovely post about her experience becoming a developer.
Also, another of our alumni (who is now a regular mentor) gave a lightning talk about becoming a dev, which she also wrote up as a groovy post.

Hope these help! :)



Javier Noris

Feb 23, 2016, 12:33:19 PM2/23/16
to RailsBridge Workshops
Hi Sarah, I was part of rails school at noisebridge a similar program and became a professional software developer with no formal background except self-teaching. I left my software job to run my own startup recently. I wrote about it here if interested? Not sure if that is along the lines of what you are looking for or if you are looking specifically for RailsBridge students. 
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