Trinidad 1.4.0.RC is out

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Jul 3, 2012, 11:02:07 AM7/3/12

 I'm happy to announce the release candidate for Trinidad 1.4.0 (code-name San Fernando :)) !

  gem install trinidad --pre

The most noticeable new features for users are a (hopefully) "leak" free hot deployment and better logging out of the box.

Hot Deployment

Trinidad supports monitoring a file to reload applications, when the file tmp/restart.txt is updated (e.g. touch tmp/restart.txt), the server reloads the application the file belongs. The file monitor can be customized with the monitor configuration option.

Trinidad now supports 2 reload strategies :

  • restart (default) synchronous reloading (exposed by Tomcat). This strategy pauses incoming requests while it reloads the application and than serves them once ready (or timeouts if it takes too long). It has been chosen as the default strategy due it's more predictable memory requirements.

  • rolling "zero-downtime" (asynchronous) reloading strategy similar to Passenger's rolling reloads. This has been the default since 1.1.0 up till now. If you use this you should account that your JVM memory requirements might increase quite a lot since requests are being served while there's another version of your application getting loaded.

Configure the reload strategy per web application or globally e.g. :

  port: 8080
  environment: production
  reload_strategy: rolling


Trinidad continues to use standard output for server logs by default, it also prints warnings and error messages on error output, while application specific log messages (e.g. logs from Rails.logger) go into the expected file location at log/{environment}.log.

Application logging performs daily rolling out of the box (similar to Tomcat) and only prints messages from an application to the console while it runs in development mode, that means you won't see any application specific output on the console say in production !

Please note that these logging details as well as the logging format will be configurable with trinidad.yml/.rb within the next 1.4.x release.

We'll probably let the RC out for a week or two, to catch up possible incompatibilities with extensions as Trinidad's internal APIs have been polished,
some changes are not backwards compatible but most of the time we expect things to work just fine.

Please give it a spin and let us know, either here or report issues with

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