[trinidad noob]
We are using a third party framework to manage (start/stop) our Java apps, which provides the main() method and needs access to the command line arguments.
Wondering what options we have for working with trinidad (or other jruby/java web containers):
- If we start trinidad, can it pass command line args across, for example, is ARGV available?
- If we start via third party framework, can it manage (start/stop) an embedded trinidad process?
Assuming the first option, looks like we'd add the framework jars to directory specified in "lib_java".
I dont see a way to specify a class to instantiate, so to load the framework, it seems we'd write some ruby code to instantiate it - is that correct?
Its for an internal webapp - that will be largely a javascript front end - the backend will mainly be API calls. Also looking for a lightweight (minimum of gem dependencies, due to company firewall :( ). So thinking we will go for something like Sinatra or maybe Grape (
https://github.com/intridea/grape). Suggestions welcome?