Typical Memory Usage for a Rails App?

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Nathan Wienert

Mar 30, 2013, 2:12:05 AM3/30/13
to rails-t...@googlegroups.com
Very happy to have found Trinidad, I'm looking to move a couple medium traffic rails apps to a smaller server (1GB RAM).

To test it out I've moved my smallest site over, and it's been a pleasure to get running and deployed compared to any other server (Puma, Unicorn, even Thin).

After a fresh boot of my pretty simple Rails blog, it is sitting at about 256 MB of memory used.  I can see this being normal, as I understand JVM/jRuby/Tomcat have their memory needs.  Just didn't come across any documentation on expected memory usage and want to know if this is "normal".


Apr 1, 2013, 8:37:48 AM4/1/13
to rails-t...@googlegroups.com
It sure is, there's no such thing as a typical Rails app thus it's hard to tell such thing ... You do need to test e.g. locally with production settings.

It will also likely increase a bit as requests come in - the more you'd like tohandle concurrently the more it will need ...
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