sqlserver adapter 4.2: TinyTds::Error: Column "spree_products.id" is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because ...

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Dan Sadaka

Feb 16, 2015, 12:09:25 PM2/16/15
to rails-sqlse...@googlegroups.com

Yesterday I was preparing to do a new eCommerce site with the latest Spree 3.0, which requires rails 4.2, which requires sqlserver gem 4.2.  After getting an OFFSET error, I discovered I needed to upgrade SQL to 2012.  Subsequently, one more fix to a Spree migration and it looked like I was off and running.  

However, when I went to display the home page of my new spree site (with the sample data), I got this log entry:

ActionView::Template::Error (TinyTds::Error: Column "spree_products.id" is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.: EXEC sp_executesql N'SELECT  MAX([spree_products].[updated_at]) FROM [spree_products] INNER JOIN [spree_variants] ON [spree_variants].[product_id] = [spree_products].[id] AND [spree_variants].[is_master] = 1 AND [spree_variants].[deleted_at] IS NULL INNER JOIN [spree_prices] ON [spree_prices].[variant_id] = [spree_variants].[id] AND [spree_prices].[deleted_at] IS NULL WHERE [spree_products].[deleted_at] IS NULL AND ([spree_products].deleted_at IS NULL or [spree_products].deleted_at >= ''02-16-2015 00:04:40.945'') AND ([spree_products].available_on <= ''02-16-2015 00:04:40.953'') AND (spree_prices.amount IS NOT NULL) AND [spree_prices].[currency] = N''USD''  ORDER BY [spree_products].[id] ASC OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 12 ROWS ONLY'):

Tracing reveals the offending line of code is at:


max_updated_at = (@products.maximum(:updated_at) || Date.today).to_s(:number)

Where @products is of type ActiveRecord_Relation

Digging deeper into the maximum (ActiveRecord) method:


def maximum(column_name, options = {})
# TODO: Remove options argument as soon we remove support to
# activerecord-deprecated_finders.
calculate(:maximum, column_name, options)

and then the calculate method:


def calculate(operation, column_name, options = {})
# TODO: Remove options argument as soon we remove support to
# activerecord-deprecated_finders.
if column_name.is_a?(Symbol) && attribute_alias?(column_name)
column_name = attribute_alias(column_name)

if has_include?(column_name)
construct_relation_for_association_calculations.calculate(operation, column_name, options)
perform_calculation(operation, column_name, options)

and then to perform_calculation:


and then execute_simple_calculation:


and skip down a few to:

result = @klass.connection.select_all(query_builder, nil, bind_values)

and, finally, in select_all:


sql = to_sql(arel, binds)

where to_sql is at


# Converts an arel AST to SQL
def to_sql(arel, binds = [])
if arel.respond_to?(:ast)
collected = visitor.accept(arel.ast, collector)
collected.compile(binds.dup, self)

which returns the offending SQL statement.

I'm not sure if the correction to this will happen in the ActiveRecord code or the sqlserver adapter, but I know this error does not occur when run using SQLLite.  

I'm under a deadline but really don't want to get back to Spree 2.4 and lose the performance gains you've achieved in 4.2.

Please advise.


Ken Collins

Feb 16, 2015, 12:32:37 PM2/16/15
to rails-sqlse...@googlegroups.com
Hey Dan,

Thanks for all the detail, but it may be a little too much. Can you open an issue on the adapter repo that shows the minimal code to reproduce the issue? I suspect you would need to describe more of the existing scopes on the @products relation. If so, I can help you solve this there.

 - Ken
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Dan Sadaka

Feb 16, 2015, 6:00:35 PM2/16/15
to rails-sqlse...@googlegroups.com

I posted issue #391 after digging down and--I believe--unearthing the cause of this.

Take a look and let me know...

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