after "gem install ruby-odbc" there are four libraries:
and Christan tells us in his README:
Thus, depending on the -K option of ruby one could use
that code snippet:
if $KCODE == "UTF8" then
require 'odbc_utf8'
require 'odbc'
But in sqlserver_adapter.rb i can only find a line:
require_library_or_gem 'odbc' unless defined?(ODBC)
So I inserted a require "odbc_utf8" in environment.rb,
now for column names
column_names.each do { |col| puts col.encoding }
it tells me that all column_names are still ASCII-8BIT
but the names are OK on the web page.
but or the data itself:
for columns declared as varchar() it tells me that the encoding is
and the data is OK on the web page
for columns declared as nvarchar() it tells me that the encoding is
but the data fails to display with error "incompatible character
encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8"
if I start Ruby with Ruby -Eutf-8 this will reverse the effect
varchar() now fails with the error and nvarchar shows up ok.
( All Tests were running on Windows XP, ruby 1.9.1p378 [i386-mingw32],
Rails 2.3.5, ruby-odbc 0.99991
using Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 9.00.4035.00 against an SQL
Server 2005 on Windows Server 2003 )
I will get some help from a Ruby professional tomorrow and we will try
to setup a test environment.
Should I test against the new 2.3.6 release ??? ( or 2.3.5 or both ? )
Currently I only have a SQL Server 2005 installed and I don't know if
I will have enough time for also installing and testing SQL Server
2000 and 2008, sry for that.
I am just reading the Microsoft documentation on SQL Server and found
that for all SQL Server releases 2000/2005/2008 the table names and
column names are allowed as unicode strings. I will try to tackle this
> >> For more options, visit this group at
On a side note, I just found out that you can have method names in ruby as unicode strings, which makes sense, but I never tried. I mention it because if that was not the case, then those column names would not come down to real method names for an AR object.
- Ken