Senior Rails Dev looking for a job in Sweden

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Stephen Crespo

Nov 12, 2016, 3:02:28 AM11/12/16
to Svenska Rails-listan
Hello everyone!

My name is Stephen Crespo and I am looking for a full-time Rails position in Sweden. I have been working as a full stack rails developer for the past 4 years in the U.S. but I visited Sweden last year and have been enamored with the country ever since. I am able to speak some Swedish and I'm looking forward to learning more. If anyone has any positions available or could even point me in a good direction for more places to search for employment that would be very helpful.

Tack så mycket!



Nov 12, 2016, 12:10:34 PM11/12/16
to Svenska Rails-listan
Hi Steve,

Are you an EU citizen, or have an employment visa to work in Sweden?

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