It's ok, as long as speed is at least on par with the other existing
i18n plugins, then we're on the right track and can incrementally
> Note that the benchmarks were done on a powerful machine with more RAM than
> most of us use on their servers. Also, let's not forget that I didn't even
> load Rails and therefore AS doesn't do it's multibyte magic which seriously
> slows down any string processing.
(I don't know why you keep saying this.)
> However, I do agree that it's not a real show stopper since template
> rendering isn't the bottleneck of current Rails apps. My concern is that
> this is the fastest/default i18n processing for Rails and once again we are
> affecting the overall performances.
Template rendering is, actually, the bottleneck for most Rails apps.
> As you said, this shouldn't be noticeable in most cases but I believe that
> we can profile the code and optimize it to make it at least twice as fast.
By all means :) Anyone have the time and inclination to do a bit of
performance work before (or at)
It's ok, as long as speed is at least on par with the other existing
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 8:15 AM, Matt Aimonetti <> wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> Thanks for taking the performance report quite seriously. I understand you
> want to release Rails 2.2 for Rails Conf Europe and that won't give anybody
> enough time to fix the speed issues.
> I also realize that it's party my fault since I raised this concern a while
> back and promised some benchmarks which I only delivered today :(
i18n plugins, then we're on the right track and can incrementally
(I don't know why you keep saying this.)
> Note that the benchmarks were done on a powerful machine with more RAM than
> most of us use on their servers. Also, let's not forget that I didn't even
> load Rails and therefore AS doesn't do it's multibyte magic which seriously
> slows down any string processing.
Template rendering is, actually, the bottleneck for most Rails apps.
> However, I do agree that it's not a real show stopper since template
> rendering isn't the bottleneck of current Rails apps. My concern is that
> this is the fastest/default i18n processing for Rails and once again we are
> affecting the overall performances.
By all means :) Anyone have the time and inclination to do a bit of
> As you said, this shouldn't be noticeable in most cases but I believe that
> we can profile the code and optimize it to make it at least twice as fast.
performance work before (or at)
Right, we discussed it earlier: Multibyte is slow, especially compared
to Yehuda's superfast extension. Multibyte is not baked into String,
though, and doesn't slow down any string processing.
>> > However, I do agree that it's not a real show stopper since template
>> > rendering isn't the bottleneck of current Rails apps. My concern is that
>> > this is the fastest/default i18n processing for Rails and once again we
>> > are
>> > affecting the overall performances.
>> Template rendering is, actually, the bottleneck for most Rails apps.
> Sorry, I didn't express myself correctly, what I meant was that at this
> level it won't really affect the template rendering (other stuff are way
> slower) but that's still a performance hit.
>> > As you said, this shouldn't be noticeable in most cases but I believe
>> > that
>> > we can profile the code and optimize it to make it at least twice as
>> > fast.
>> By all means :) Anyone have the time and inclination to do a bit of
>> performance work before (or at)
> I won't be in Berlin, but I'll certainly my best to benchmark a bit more and
> see how we could improve the results. (I'll also try to benchmark Rails
> directly)
Cool. I'm sure we can get this blazing fast.
I tried to change a bit #interpolate, instead of use StringScan I used
regexps in this way:
values.inject(string) do |memo, (pattern, value)|
memo.gsub(/\{\{#{pattern}\}\}/, value.to_s)
This portion of code is just a bit faster than actual implementation
(1.16x), but the whole method increase performance of 1.05x.
It's just a quick implementation, surely not good, but it could give
some hints to you, guys.
I posted the code, benchmark and results as gist:
Nice, Luca. You can speed this up further by doing a single gsub:
MATCH = /(\\\\)?\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}/
result = string.gsub(MATCH) do
escaped, pattern, key = $1, $2, $2.to_sym
if escaped
elsif INTERPOLATION_RESERVED_KEYS.include?(pattern)
raise, string)
elsif !values.include?(key)
raise, string)
# untested ;)
I updated the code and benchmark gist results:
PS: I attached a patch for Backend::Simple#interpolate:
Sourcesense - making sense of Open Source:
Cool :)
I've applied this and created a ticket for Rails
I think #interpolate even reads better with StringScanner removed.