Harvesting of lunar iron

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Mar 5, 2008, 10:54:25 PM3/5/08
to Railroading on the Moon and Mars
During Summer 07 11 high school interns formed 3 teams and built 20
Amp electromagnets to extract iron fines from simulated regolith in a
contest maximizing mass iron harvested to mass of the electromagnet.
Our result will be published this summer at the Am. Soc. for Engr.
Educators Annual Conference. The iron is needed for a 1260 km rairoad
around the lunar poles, the minimum distance guaranteed to have
perpetual sunlight given lunar libration.
An article I published at SpaceEx 2005 provided a math model of the
iron extraction, deriving extraction rates, power, and so forth.
Proceedings of this conference never got published, as far as I know.
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