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Websocket Gateway stops working suddenly

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May 19, 2016, 4:06:10 PM5/19/16
to Railo
I have a problem with websocket-extension gateway.

The websocket handshake stops working suddenly after few days or hours.

  1. I received opcode -1 after a while on my browser and I have tried to directly connect on the server with a websocket java client and no more result (no handshake) when that is happening.
  2. The status of the Gateway on the admin panel is RUNNING.
  3. I have seen that TOMCAT is reading the internal port of my websocket gateway (netstat sniffer).
  4. If I sniff the port I see that the port receive the packets but send nothing to the remote ip.
  5. I can simply restart the gateway to fix the problem in my admin panel.
  6. NOTING on the logs files! Only NGINX that the upstream is not working.

Someone has experimented this problem?

I use AWS linux instance with railo/tomcat/nginx/websocket-extension (

Thank you,

Andrew Dixon

May 21, 2016, 5:49:00 PM5/21/16
I think you will find most people here have moved to the Lucee Google Group:

So you might be better off posting over there. 

Also you should upgrade to Lucee ASAP as it has security fixes for vulnerabilities that exist in Railo and have not been patched in Railo.

Kind regards,


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