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Andy Buckingham

May 8, 2013, 12:22:02 PM5/8/13
Apologies for the very late introduction of this topic of discussion, but Mathias at the EBU has recently made me aware again of a proposal they put forward for authentication on apps such as (but not exclusively for) RadioTAG. Presented in August last year, I've attached the documents and encourage them to be further peer reviewed. 

The document proposes an alternative to the way we have established auth in tag in the previous RadioTAG draft specifications.

I would like to raise the following issues:

1. The centralised "directory" service

I assume there can only be one directory service as devices need to know how to contact these from the outset. Who would run this and how would it be financed? If it holds specific identifiable credentials have you considered the privacy implications that need to be addressed by the organisation running it and the organisation relying upon it?

2. The use of credentials on device to "avoid" the need for web page authentication

This was intentionally added to tag to reduce the complexity of device input of credentials. Most domestic radios have very basic input (jog wheels, at best a simple on screen keyboards thats quite fiddly) so the use of a web page or mobile app to make that input easier was favoured.

As yet I am unsure what benefits we get from this proposal over the existing work for RadioTAG, but it would be good to get some feedback on the above points from Mathias and for others to also review and feedback on the document.

Thank you.

Andy Buckingham

May 8, 2013, 12:23:18 PM5/8/13
Apologies, there were no documents attached to the previous message.

Barroco, Michael

May 10, 2013, 8:03:58 AM5/10/13



Thank you for your feedback and your work in this group.


The proposal was originally written to address a user experience problem. Indeed, the RadioTAG authentication mechanism requires the user to register and pair his device with each channel(or group of channels) he wants to use which is in our point of view a non-negligible problem. Therefore, if the user is required to enter his credentials once and only once, we assumed that entering an email address and a password would be interesting because we could get rid of the portal and the second device needed to pair the device.


Concerning your first comment, you are absolutely right and this is not only a technical but political question too which is still open and we are currently working at EBU to create a framework to shortly investigate these questions.


Finally, as you mentioned, we plan to extend this Single Sign-On concept to other platforms such as TV or websites.



Hope it answers your questions,

Looking forward for other reactions,





Project Manager - Software Engineering


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