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RadioTAG Commercial Team

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Andy Buckingham

Feb 22, 2011, 4:39:20 AM2/22/11
to RadioTAG Application Team
As mentioned in my update to the AGM last week it is becoming
increasingly apparent that there is a high level of commercial
interest in tagging. This brings with it a new requirement to ensure
the technical implementation of RadioTAG provides appropriate support
for the commercial desires of those interested parties.

As this work exists outside the technical focus of our current team, I
would like to propose the establishment of a separate sub-team, within
the application team, for parties who wish to focus in the commercial
issues surrounding tag.

Technical knowledge is not required for this team, but an interest or,
better still, association with commercial radio is a definite
advantage. The technical application team will present core
methodology to the sub-team for them to evaluate the progress from a
commercial vantage point to ensure Tag is an attractive technology
suitable for monetisation by participants.

If you are interested in becoming a part of this sub-team please reply
directly to myself.



Andy Buckingham,
Global Radio

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