My frst seccesful ARGO session

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Rainer Ehlert

Sep 22, 2020, 4:29:00 PM9/22/20
to RadioMeteors

Here a short video 1:27 minutes of the session from yesterday 21 to today morning 22. :-)

58 images each image 1.5 seconds in the video.

Thanks and regards

Rainer Ehlert

Sep 23, 2020, 2:58:35 PM9/23/20
to RadioMeteors

Another video from 22/09 to 23/09

Should I now think in making a dedicates Antenna for 174.310 MHz ? Would something improve ? I am thinking about a MOXON which would be quite small. 60 cm wide and 23 cm deep. and so I could lay it flat with an angle of 12° on my Observatory roof.

Thanks and regards Rainer

Dennis Condron

Sep 23, 2020, 4:11:55 PM9/23/20
Yes, a design optimized (tuned) antenna for a given frequency is almost always the best choice. That would apply to whatever DTV channel you decide on using for meteor return signatures.

The Moxon is one of many Yagi antenna designs that can be used for this purpose Rainer. However it will offer reception better for the lower DTV channels such as DTV 2 if there is one in or near your area.

It will unlikely to work very well on channel 7 (DTV 7) because it is tuned to a far lower frequency at 54 Mhz than is needed for optimum results on 174 MHz. It may offer a surprising result if the Moxon is used for a DTV 2 emitter that you are not seeing now because of your current antenna design limitations which is typically optimized for channels 7-13 and the UHF DTV band.

I am certain you will find far more meteor return signatures using one of the lower VHF channels 2-6 rather than anything higher like you are now. The optimum channel to seek out and use is in general the lowest of the VHF channels 2-6 that is receivable at your location.

73, Denny - K0LGI -

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Rainer Ehlert

Sep 23, 2020, 7:02:27 PM9/23/20
to RadioMeteors
Hi Denny,

Thanks. You will not believe it but there are no TV transmitters in those Channels 2 - 6 available anywhere in a reasonable location. I have been searching like mad and nothing, just nothing.

Taking your advice I will start my channel 2 - 6 search again. I am using this site for the channel search

and looking in the neighbour states of Mexico which are California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. For example San Diego California is about 2000 km away and the cities in Texas like the nearest on Corpus Christi about 710 km from my site.

What is the transmitting power I have to look for ?

So for the 174 MHz what antenna do you recommend ?

Thanks and regards

Rainer Ehlert

Sep 23, 2020, 7:16:34 PM9/23/20
to RadioMeteors
Hi Denny,

I will keep testing this one in Fredericksburg, Texas, Channel 5 with 45 kW power.



Dennis Condron

Sep 23, 2020, 7:40:08 PM9/23/20
Indeed Rainer, there are very few remaining low band VHF TV channels in the US that are transmitting on channel 2 now. I am not sure where you are located referenced to the Las Vegas DTV 2 emitter, but there are some some of our members in the southwest US are using for meteor returns using their multi-kW ERP pilot carrier. 

Power, actually the ERP of a transmitting station is what counts, as does the distance from you, the receiver sensitivity, use of an optimum (resonant) antenna/low loss coax cable performance will all determine what or if success can be achieved on any given frequency.

Some DTV stations have a directional antenna pattern, but that is not typical for most locations where general coverage is the normal and desirable trait. I feel I am in luck here in Iowa where there are two DTV 2 emitters in the adjacent states of Nebraska and South Dakota where both can be used for radio detected meteor returns.

The best option honestly is to buy or build a Yagi antenna for the frequency decided upon to use. They are compact and something even as small as a 4 element Yagi at 174 MHz is small in dimensions, yet will perform far better than some of the 'big box store special' antennas on the market, that make incredible statements about what inflated gain figures over such a wide frequency is to be considered with doubt.


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Rainer Ehlert

Sep 23, 2020, 7:50:46 PM9/23/20
to RadioMeteors
Hi Denny,

I guess you mean the transmitter of KMVY transmitting on Channel 2 in Las vegas Nevada with a power og 27.7 kW.

That one is 2048 km = 1272.42 miles away from my place which is 22°08'35" North and 101°01'57" West in the town of San Luis Potosi. ON that coordinates you can see the ROR of my Observatory.



Jim Hannon

Sep 24, 2020, 10:24:44 AM9/24/20
I recently got an allskycam operating to record visual meteors. Now I am
considering setting up a receiver for radio meteors. It seems like
choosing a suitable transmitter to use is the biggest difficulty. Any

Jim Hannon
WEB Page
CoCoRaHS station IA-LN-7

Rainer Ehlert

Sep 24, 2020, 11:39:24 AM9/24/20
to RadioMeteors
Hi Jim,

Yes and it is becoming more and more difficult to find Channel 2 to 5 as recommended here by the experts.

On the other side you being in Iowa neae Cedar Rapids perhap look into Canada or Texas.

Well I would say do it like me and search around your location for transmitters a good distance away from you and test them.

I am just a Rookie but after testing this the last three weeks it is a question of checking a lot.

Here is a good page to search for TV stations

For sure the experts will chime in and help you as they have helped me and what I learned is to have patience.

Just gave you my view on this. You might be luckier as you are in USA and not Mexico.

regards Rainer

Dennis Condron

Sep 24, 2020, 12:45:04 PM9/24/20
Hello once again Jim !

As Rainer suggests there is a transition to ATSC television mode in Canada for DTV and is well established in the US for several years now.

I had been using two DTV channel 2 emitters located in western Nebraska (North Platte) and South Dakota (Rapid City) for several years until the arrival of the derecho last month, which destroyed almost every antenna that was up at the time including the 4 element HyGain Yagi that was the main antenna for DTV 2 meteor return signature studies.

They are at our location reliable emitters that did produce good results for many years, and until I build up another Yagi, I do miss not being a part of the group that uses that optimum frequency with likewise successful results in other parts of the US and Canada.

Along with your new cam to record overhead disintegrations will be something that has been missing however on this end, as I have  been a radio detected meteor return observer only primarily using DTV 2 and HF on 25 MHz.

Keep us informed how you are progressing and of your results as well !

73, Denny  - K0LGI -
Marion, IA.

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