Is anyone currently maintaining piphsdr? I received directions from Yodasan that got the CW working, but involves a double installation which is not optimal.
I've looked at the code and the overhead to reverse engineer it (for me) is large so I'll throw these suggestions out to all.
a. Incorporate the CW mods into the baseline pihpsdr.
b. Is there a good hardware design to build in an SWR meter? I know the TR switch disconnects the receive side so some other creativity is needed. Look like a hardware solution to feed a portion of the reverse signal into the receive port on transmit. There would also be software changes.
c. Expand the zoom function from 8 to 16.
On an alternative note, I tried sparkSDR and it will need more work from an expert to truly port it over to the radioberry/pi, in my opinion. It does not sense all the inputs directly, though I've tried the suggestion to set up virtual audio cables to no avail. It does function transmit on both CW and AM. If there was an audio input connection that worked it should work for sideband. So there is an opportunity to play for someone smarter than me.
Pete WV3S