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radioberry for sale at aliexpress!

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May 24, 2021, 2:54:51 PM5/24/21
to Radioberry
Hi All,

Some time ago  i received from Luca IK2LRN a mail that on aliexpress the radioberry is for sale.

So i placed an order (59 euro including shipment)  and about 14 days later the radio was there!

The board (PCB beta4) is working fine, only the connectors are not soldered quite good.

No one have asked me something... iam also not earning money with it.

But i  want you all to know that it possible to buy an assembled radioberry!

radioberry from ali.jpg
Have fun

73 Johan

taka sugi

May 25, 2021, 2:37:12 AM5/25/21
to Radioberry

I am not sure if this news is happy or unhappy for the guys who already setup!

I wonder the assembled board is working well, because PCB version is V2.0 "Beta4"!

 Is there a "Clock-3.3V line short" problem?  By the backplane photo, there is no GND

 soldering on ADC,FPGA center hole for stability, noise problem.

If it works well, this news may be exciting for the old timers like me!

Thanks for good news, Johan.


2021年5月25日火曜日 3:54:51 UTC+9 pa3gsb:


May 25, 2021, 8:32:32 AM5/25/21
to Radioberry

I am not unhappy with it! It is based on the basic radioberry design. 

59 euro including shipment is a price which is not achievable when doing a small batch build at for instance  makersfabs.

73 Johan

Op dinsdag 25 mei 2021 om 08:37:12 UTC+2 schreef

Ravi Miranda

May 25, 2021, 9:13:59 AM5/25/21
to Radioberry
Just my thoughts: There is no point in appearing on the summit of Everest if one doesn't want to make the journey ;-) 

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I'm here to add more value to the world than I'm using up.

Ujjwal John

May 26, 2021, 5:00:48 AM5/26/21
to Radioberry
Thats a GREAT gesture Johan ! Unless a developer is NOT looking for any monetary support from sale of kits,  3rd party  like Aliexpress (Sadly banned in my country) sellers selling at "Reasonable" price should not hurt. There is a departure in case of Monka's mcHC replicated by Chinese sellers against his pleasure.  Actually look at two great VNAs which have in recent times - EU1KY's VNA, which I built from scratch , and Nano VNA/ SAA-2.   EU1KY could not be sold at very attractive price even though sold as MiniVNA600 / 1200 on Aliexpress , due to high cost of STM32746 Disco board. But I guess Yuri  was still fine with Chinese offering, though he was offering Kit at his shop. 
In contrast, NanoVNA/SAA-2 was sold at much more attractive price, by both thru authorised sellers/Clones, which resulted in much bigger user base and accelerated the development of the firmware and features, compared to EU1KY , which has hardly seen new updates, except by OM WolfGang. 
I have many Hams in my circle, who wish to own a RadioBerry, but they cannot do fine soldering needed due to eyesight or otherwise. Such offering from Aliexpress sellers could open an avenue for them. 

Again, Three Cheers to Johan for the wonderful project! 

Ujjwal John

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Jakke Tett

May 22, 2022, 12:42:55 PM5/22/22
to Radioberry
Hallo Johan,

Suppose nothing will be available in the short-term in kit or finished form due to the shortage/speculation on the components market?

groeten & 73's van ON1TJ
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