Fwd: ARLA/CLUSTER: Contactos em VHF via Propagação Trans-Equatorial entre a Argentina e a Ilha de Aruba a 5.400 km

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Itacir Amorim

Dec 2, 2020, 1:16:01 PM12/2/20
Repassando para conhecimento geral.   73

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: João Costa > CT1FBF <ct1...@gmail.com>
Date: qua., 2 de dez. de 2020 às 10:16
Subject: Re: ARLA/CLUSTER: Contactos em VHF via Propagação Trans-Equatorial entre a Argentina e a Ilha de Aruba a 5.400 km
To: Resumo Noticioso ARLA/CLUSTER <clu...@radio-amador.net>

6000km TEP path on 144 MHz opens up between Buenos Aires and the Dominican Republic

Hot on the heels of the recent news items about the 5400km TEP opening on 144 MHz between Argentina and the island of Aruba, we have details of some more contacts that reached in excess of 6000kms!

David Lama, HI8DL reports that on the night of the 29th of November 2020, both he and Edgar, HI8PLE contacted LU2EPO on 144.300 MHz at 23:57 UTC.

The mode used for the contacts was SSB and the distance was 6102kms.

It is believed that this remarkable contact was possible due to Trans-Equatorial Propagation.

More info... https://ei7gl.blogspot.com/2020/12/6000km-tep-path-on-144-mhz-opens-up.html

Gomes <ct1...@sapo.pt> escreveu no dia segunda, 30/11/2020 à(s) 15:52:

Boa tarde
Os dois metros não param de nos surpreender :)

73, Gomes op: CT1HIX
Às 14:03 de 30/11/20, João Costa > CT1FBF escreveu:

5400km TEP opening on 144 MHz between Argentina and the island of Aruba - Nov 2020

There have been some remarkable contacts made on 144 MHz recently via Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) from the Caribbean to South America with many in the region of 4000 to 5000 kms.

One of the most impressive was a contact between P41E on the island of Aruba and LU2EPO near Buenos Aires in Argentina, a distance of just over 5400 kms.

Etienne, P41E managed to complete 33 contacts with Argentinian stations on 144 MHz using a combination of SSB, FM and FT8 modes. One of the TEP contacts on 2m SSB was with LU3FCI who was using a vintage Yaesu FT-780R which is almost 40 years old!

More info including videos and log extracts can be found here... https://ei7gl.blogspot.com/2020/11/5400km-tep-opening-on-144-mhz-between.html

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Itacir Amorim - PY1EJ/PY3ASQ
Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Canoas/RS

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