Fwd: HB9ANY de N1EA

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D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

Jun 27, 2024, 9:10:29 PM (10 days ago) Jun 27
to Radio Officers Google Group

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bruce Taylor <hb9...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: HB9ANY de N1EA
To: D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n1...@arrl.net>

Thanks for your message and attractive QSL, David. However, I don't know any radio astronomers as I was only a visitor at Jodrell Bank. I spent most of my working life at CERN, and retired over 20 years ago.

I wasn't aware that my article in RadCom was reprinted in any other magazine and I'm happy to attach a pdf that contains both parts. The original Part 1 contained errors, due to the RadCom editor making changes to it without checking with me, after I had approved the proof. (Even to the extent of changing one of the photos for a completely incorrect one!) The errors have been corrected in the attached version. Feel free to distribute it to your fellow Radio Officers or others.

You can find this article with some other hobby ones here:

There are also links to them at the end of my QRZ page.
The one entitled "Radio Eye on the Sky" is about Jodrell Bank.

Best regards from Switzerland,


> On 27 Jun 2024, at 23:50, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n1...@arrl.net> wrote:
> Dr. Bruce,
> I don't know if I think your lovely wife or your many antenna systems is more attractive, I would say both.
> I'd l love to put my hands on the Jodrel Bank system. You probably know my friend Dr. Darrell Emerson, AA7FV,  he works at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Arizona.  He originally came from UK and had callsign G3SYS. I've never heard Dr. Darrell on a Vibroplex but I work him often on the Sideswiper Net. http://sideswipernet.org he has a breathtaking fist. You'll certainly hear him because he's using a rhombic antenna aimed at the UK. 🇬🇧
> The purpose of this email is to ask if you have an electronic copy of "Battling the Radio Beams"?  I have a printed copy in my issue of  "QSO" June 2022 as published by the UK Radio Officers' Association. Alas, it says Part One and I probably don't have any more old issues as I was cleaning and I found this issue.
> I'd also like to ask permission to distribute what I have to the Radio Officers that subscribe to my email list.
> I must say you have a beautiful family and an awesome antenna system. I was always fond of semicirclular reflectors. Our medium wave reception site for USCG Communications Station Boston NMF was located on the side of a hill that formed such a reflector. Everyone who worked there that I knew is now dead,  but I never saw any copper wires on the hillside, but the marsh towards the Atlantic Ocean had very long wires laid every 20 degrees for 500 kHz reception.
> On your QRZ page you have a picture of a lovely straight key "Taste Paula Ta.P."
> I never knew the name.  I just called it the German Tap key.
> I have such a key and I agree it's one of my favorite keys, although I also love the Marconi made PS-213A.
> 73
> David J. Ring, Jr., N1EA

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