Re: [Radio Officers, &c] Re: Anyone remember NAM?

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D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

Nov 11, 2017, 7:57:20 PM11/11/17
to Radio Officers Google Group
That was sent by NMF USCG Boston signing the  Navy Ice Patrol call sign NIK.

Transmitter  down the Cape right  at the Canal.

NIK is the callsign used for International Ice Patrol charts broadcast by US Coast Guard from NMF, Boston during the late winter/ spring ice season. The faxes originate at Communications Area Master Station, Atlantic (Camslant). Boston is therefore a remote transmitter in this case.

After the RMS Titanic had its infamous encounter with an iceberg in April, spotting North Atlantic ice became a very serious business. Ice charts are broken down into grid squares, and show the number and type of bergs in squares having them.


On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 7:35 PM, Rich <> wrote:


I think also 5080 for Gulf Stream Bulletins.  Or maybe that was the International Ice Patrol Bulletin during Ice Season.  I'm forgetting in my old age!


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Michael Zbrozek

Nov 11, 2017, 9:04:34 PM11/11/17
Rich -

NAM with other stations and freqs  (USN) sent one tfc simulcast to MSC ships prior to Satellite from all over  the Earth.
Depending where the ship was the Radio Officer had to get up in the middle of the night to copy long winded msgs.
Thats OT but this is a pain to copy this type of junk that could run on for two full pages. I never had to do that since all
the msc ships I sailed upon had Inmarsat. I love cw but not long winded BS sent at 25 wpm....I like my sleep, thank you.
When MSC ships started to get Inmarsat these bcsts became un-necessary.
When I joined MSC in Dec 1980 they were installing Satellite on the USNS Hayes/NRLW in Ft Lauderdale
in December. That was my first ship, I spent a long 6 months on that ship for my 6 months sea svc end.
After spending three weeks in Fl the ship went down to Brazil and Argentina. I had to work with a sour
grouchy guy that should have retired years ago....but that another story....he is a sk now and lived in
Brooksville FL.

Mike K8XF

-----Original Message-----
From: Rich <>
To: Radio Officers <>
Sent: Sat, Nov 11, 2017 7:35 pm
Subject: [Radio Officers, &c] Re: Anyone remember NAM?



I think also 5080 for Gulf Stream Bulletins.  Or maybe that was the International Ice Patrol Bulletin during Ice Season.  I'm forgetting in my old age!

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Eric Weber

Nov 11, 2017, 10:29:46 PM11/11/17
There were two US Flag Galveston Bay's the MSC one didn't have satellite..  MSC sent orders to the non MSC Sealand one numerous times, and called them on the sat phone.


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D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

Nov 11, 2017, 11:01:46 PM11/11/17
to Radio Officers Google Group
I always found the USCG broadcasts at 16 wpm irritating.  I've met people who could remember five minutes of Morse so they could walk around a bit then type like Hell and get the broadcast on paper.


On Nov 11, 2017 22:42, "Rich" <> wrote:
Hello Mike and CQ,

As a U.S. Marine Corps morse intercept operator (MOS #2621) stationed at the Naval Security Group receiving station in Edzell, Scotland, UK, I would routinely copy a broadcast that was AT LEAST 2 hours long, run at 30 GPM.

It started at 2 AM local time.  I stood two mid-watches per "watch week" so I copied it twice per "week."

I do not exaggerate.  The broadcast would usually run until 4 AM.  I enjoyed copying that broadcast, because it made the shift go by a bit quicker.  You had to plan for it... you wouldn't have a big meal or drink a lot of water, because you WERE going to sit that broadcast until it was done.

Years later as radio officer I ALWAYS copied the U.S.C.G. morse coastal navigational warning broadcasts.  Now THAT was boring, to sit there for an hour or so, listening to SLOW AS MOLASSES 16 WPM MORSE.  I always had the thought deep in my mind of... "For the LOVE OF GOD will you please COME ON!!!!"


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Michael Zbrozek

Nov 12, 2017, 1:16:08 AM11/12/17

Hello Rich and Group-

Many of the ships that I sailed upon in the late 80's and 90's already had Navtex (518 KHz)
so that spared me copying slow nav warnings. I wonder if ships along the US coasts copy that anymore?
I think they have the same navtex bcsts in other countries.

Mike K8XF

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Nov 12, 2017, 10:09:37 AM11/12/17

Ciao Rich,

aplogizes for comments but GMDSS inventor and promoter has been your CG or better USCG the same for all those papers compiled evrywhere on the ships nowadyas. STCW a GREAT FAKE to make money, before STCW seafarers had great experience and it was not necessary to be verified continuosly with expensive courses and courses but I see today the supposed well trained crew are the origin of great mistakes at sea. Who believe USCG must to command world wide, who believe to be United States, for me a Country like all the others but many people in US still believe to be the new Empire of the world.



P.S. to All stay away from ships today...

Il 12/11/2017 15:16, Rich ha scritto:
Hi Mike and CQ,

The U.S. Navtex broadcasts are active today, worldwide.  Those Navtex machines were always easy to use, but beyond the understanding of most of the Mates I knew.

Today, there are Navtex machines with a GPS input that will even select the stations applicable to your voyage, based on your position.  All that must be done with these machines is to keep the system maintained and keep the machine ON.  There is even an output to plug a standard, full size printer into.  On modern machines you can read the reports on the screen.

I talk to R/O's who still sail today on U.S. Flag ships and they tell me the mates would rather just turn the machines OFF.  On U.S. Flag ships without a Radio Officer (most of them) the Navtex system is ignored.

When I was a GMDSS instructor from 2008 - 2012, I knew that Navtex was ignored.  A student brought in a photo of his ship's GMDSS console.  It had been turned into a book shelf.  The Navtex machine was in such DIS-use, that the special heat sensitive paper used in it's printer had turned completely black from age.

When I was on the M/V Ambassador from 1992 - 1997 we got the Navtex and the SART'S at the same time. I believe it was August of 1993, by requirement.  

The Captain / Mates absolutely refused to use it.  They called it the "toilet paper dispenser" and said they didn't like the machine cluttering up their chart table.  "We didn't need it before, why do we need it now?!" was the attitude.

What I did to cover the Navtex broadcasts was to use the NDBP FEC receiving system that I purchased and installed in the radio room.  (When  I left that ship, due to foreign flagging in 1997, I took my gear with me!)  

I had to receive it in the radio room, then filter the "already received" messages myself on a word processor.  I supplied copies to the bridge and to the Captain; they got was a nice Coastal Weather and Nav Warning report on 8-1/2 by 11 inch paper, formatted in MS Word to be pleasing to the eye.  

That is what it took to get those guys to look at that important report.

On another note:  Cuba did not have, and still does not have, a Navtex station.  I always copied the Cuban Notice to Mariners from Habana Radio/CLA as the ship sailed within 5 miles of Cuban waters.  It always began like this:

"Cuban revolutionary navy informs all shipping that navigation will be restricted in the following zones."

Now CLA MF is shut down, and Fidel is dead.


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D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

Nov 12, 2017, 10:44:02 AM11/12/17
to Radio Officers Google Group

It wasn't just the USA that pushed GMDSS, many European countries did so also, some like Netherlands closed PCH only on 500 kHz very early in my mind to kill 500 kHz. 

Congratulations to SAA and IAR for staying on the air. 

As for STCW being a big waste of time, it seems that when governments get involved they want more people to make more regulations because government is in the business of government. 

I never thought that USCG had delusions of commanding worldwide but your impressions may come from the many nations in the world that do not spend resources on search and rescue so that our USCG and USB has to help. 

There is a great difference between the humanitarian aid of the benevolent people of the United States of America in helping others in dire need and what you seem to suggest. 

We are no longer a great maritime nation,, nor did we ever deliver the exceptional 500 kHz distress coverage and WT efficiency as did the UK which was far superior in all respects, not that we were inferior, we kept excellent watches, we answered promptly. 

One exceptional station that served seafarers for many years was IRM near Rome. Excellent service and watchkeeping. 


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Michael Zbrozek

Nov 12, 2017, 12:23:30 PM11/12/17

Hello Rich -

Thank you for your input regarding Navtex. The attitude of Mates on US Ships (GMDSS) always amazes me and gives me a laugh.
All the added radio gear  to the bridge is ignored by those morons. This shows everyone that you cant teach a dedicated idiot to do better.
Breaking all sorts of FCC rules is something that these people could care less about.

Mike K8XF

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Nov 12, 2017, 1:41:25 PM11/12/17

Dear Dave,

during my last trip to U.S. in the middle of Atlantic I passed the AMVER (maybe to NMN but don't rember) I employed about 20 minutes...each word NMN sent ? (IMI) two or three times. Much better today no more (?) thanks to all baby toys ships are fitted and I enjoy very much to see on youtube all the absurd accidents never seen during my time at sea. I have heard that on the bridge on the radar screen after a collision appears the advice GAME OVER and PLAY A NEW GAME. This is very chinese...

In the past Captain after a collision had two chances to defend his honour the first option was to went down with the ship, the other one was in his cabin: a gun to use against himself.

But now don't loose to watch this clips PLS ENJOY the results of STCW ahahahahahahahah on radar arpa when there is one or more target in collision will appear a written: DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME TO ALTER YOUR COURSE BUT TAKE YOUR CAMERA AND ENJOY. On youtube everyday much of these new vidoes...



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Nov 12, 2017, 10:37:25 PM11/12/17
to Radio Officers
Dear Alfredo and CQ,

I take no offense to your comments.

You are correct about STCW.  All the courses are nothing but a money-maker for the schools that are operating at a profit.  They are not U.S. Navy schools that are free to professional mariners.  They are Capitalist Enterprises out to make as much money as possible.  They regularly issue "Certificates of Competence" to the INCOMPETENT.

I think the seas are LESS SAFE now than before STCW!  The Captain of the El Faro was fully qualified.  He murdered his ship and every person on it.  How did such an incompetent man rise to Master?  He was "certified," that's why.  The problem is - those certificates were worthless. 

The U.S. Coast Guard found Davidson to be incompetent.  They have my testimony about  El Faro, and they have my GMDSS Training paper.  No one has ever contacted me with any comments or questions.  Nothing is going to change.

My GMDSS Training report is on David's site, but I'll attach it here if anyone wants to take another look.  It's in PDF format, converted from MS Word format.  The page numbers came out a bit incorrect, but the rest looks good.  In the paper I didn't just complain about the system; I offered solutions that would work to improve training.  Improving training should be a continuous effort.  

No one at U.S.C.G., or the GMDSS Task Force Training Section is interested in improving anything.  They'd rather just relax, put their feet back on the desk, pour another cup of coffee, and collect their paychecks.


I am no fan of the Corporate/Capitalist States of America!  The U.S. government is responsible for the murder of probably 100 million people in it's disgraceful 241 year history.  It has committed genocide.  It has waged unnecessary war that has effected the world in horrible ways.  It caused the complete destruction of Europa, my ancestral homeland, TWICE for no reason other than war profits.

Life in the U.S. is continually getting worse for the Worker Class.  We have vast resources in the U.S.A. but these are unobtainable to the Worker.  Forty percent of all food produced goes to waste while people starve.  We have more empty houses than homeless people.   NO ONE has to go hungry.  NO ONE has to be homeless.  NO ONE has to be without a job. Yet the Capitalists that run this country don't care to do anything to help the Worker Class.  They are too busy keeping everything for themselves.

The world-wide death and destruction caused by the United States makes me absolutely sick to my stomach.

If I live to see the day this rotten system is finally ended, I will celebrate and be thankful that the usurers, speculators, exploiters, murderers, liars, and oppressors that ran this country into the ground are finally getting what they deserve. Sadly, I do not think I will live to see that day.  



Nov 13, 2017, 3:21:26 AM11/13/17

Dear Rich,

many thanks for your heartfelt comments, unfortunately everything you said is terrible true, capitalists want "to kill" all workers as much as possible and for them we are like street dogs, I am sad to think that U.S. which brougth freedom in Europe from Nazism and Fascism deviated its course of the history becoming the Chief  State of a new dictature maybe much stronger than those destroyed 70 years ago...I have read your paper work to improve GMDSS qualification but I imagine they have been rejected because none is interested seafarers  could really improve their is much important the money they bring to STCW schools while qualification is only a stupid detail.

I loved so much U.S. expecially during the Cold War when only western countries were on the street of a real freedom but who could imagined after the era of the Berlin's wall people should fallen in a so disgraced dictature like this one, the world wide crisis doesn't exist it is only a product of Capitalism to put under their clutches common citizens...

Take care my friend and thanks for all the support you are continuing to give to Marine Communications, surely the time will give you reason.



Il 13/11/2017 04:11, Rich ha scritto:
Dear Alfredo and CQ,

I take no offense to your comments.

You are correct about STCW.  All the courses are nothing but a money-maker for the schools that are operating at a profit.  They are not U.S. Navy schools that are free to professional mariners.  They are Capitalist Enterprises out to make as much money as possible.  They regularly issue "Certificates of Competence" to the INCOMPETENT.

I think the seas are LESS SAFE now than before STCW!  The Captain of the El Faro was fully qualified.  He murdered his ship and every person on it.  How did such an incompetent man rise to Master?  He was "certified," that's why.  The problem is - those certificates were worthless. 

The U.S. Coast Guard found Davidson to be incompetent.  They have my testimony about  El Faro, and they have my GMDSS Training paper.  No one has ever contacted me with any comments or questions.  Nothing is going to change.

My GMDSS Training report is on David's site, but I'll attach it here if anyone wants to take another look.  I didn't just complain about the system; I offered solutions that would work to improve training.  Improving training should be a continuous effort.  

No one at U.S.C.G., or the GMDSS Task Force Training Section is interested in improving anything.  They'd rather just relax, put their feet back on the desk, pour another cup of coffee, and collect their paychecks.


I am no fan of the Corporate/Capitalist States of America!  The U.S. government is responsible for the murder of probably 100 million people in it's disgraceful 241 year history.  It has committed genocide.  It has waged unnecessary war that has effected the world in horrible ways.  It caused the complete destruction of Europa, my ancestral homeland, TWICE for no reason other than war profits.

Life in the U.S. is continually getting worse for the Worker Class.  We have vast resources in the U.S.A. but these are unobtainable to the Worker.  Forty percent of all food produced goes to waste while people starve.  We have more empty houses than homeless people.   NO ONE has to go hungry.  NO ONE has to be homeless.  NO ONE has to be without a job. Yet the Capitalists that run this country don't care to do anything to help the Worker Class.  They are too busy keeping everything for themselves.

The world-wide death and destruction caused by the United States makes me absolutely sick to my stomach.

If I live to see the day this rotten system is finally ended, I will celebrate and be thankful that the usurers, speculators, exploiters, murderers, liars, and oppressors that ran this country into the ground are finally getting what they deserve. Sadly, I do not think I will live to see that day.  


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