SSB Field Day, 2nd/3rd September

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David Honey

Aug 21, 2023, 5:42:44 AM8/21/23
to 'Russell g4zrz' via Reading and District Amateur Radio Group


Weekend after next, Sat 2nd and Sun 3rd September, it’s the SSB Field Day contest. It runs from 14:00 local Sat to 14:00 local Sun.

RADARC will be operating in the Low Power Unassisted Portable section (100W).

As usual, we could do with some help with set-up on Sat at 10:00 local, and tear down on Sun at 14:00 local.

If you could spare a few hours to help, that would be most appreciated.


In terms of operators, I have confirmations from Jim G0LHZ, Nick M0NPK, Geoff G4AAO, and myself David M0DHO.

I’m waiting to hear from Michael M0MPM. If anyone else wants to have a go at operating, please let me know.

For much of the time, we aim to have 2 operators – the main operator, and a spotter.


Simon will be bringing his BBQ as usual so members can join us for a BBQ on Saturday evening. Bring what you want to cook and BYOB.

Members are very welcome to visit us during the contest and join us for the BBQ. You might want to bring a folding chair.


I’ve just spoken with Mick Spencer, Sonning Farm Manager, and he has given us permission to use a field.

It’s likely to the same field we used last year, by the river and behind Yuri Geller’s place. I will confirm a few days before the contest.

If you come down Charvil Lane from the A4 towards Sonning, just as you enter Sonning, you will see some large farm buildings on your left. Opposite that, is a gate to Broadmoor Lane.

If the gate is padlocked, the number to unlock is 03065.

Drive down Broadmoor Lane past 2 field, turn left heading towards the river, at the end take the left field entrance.
I plan to leave some signs so that people unfamiliar with the site can find us.



Best regards,
David M0DHO



Aug 31, 2023, 1:38:20 AM8/31/23
to David Honey,
Hi David,

Just checking of the Mike, the Farmer Manager, has confirmed the field to use for SSB Field day this weekend? (By the river as last year?) Also, that it's OK for me & Geoff to arrive Friday afternoon?

See you there. Cheers NK 

Kind regards,
Nick Kerner

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