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VHF FD Antenna Testing day Sunday 7th May

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Nick Kerner

Apr 26, 2023, 4:57:46 PM4/26/23
to Simon Watson, John Gumb,

Hi Simon,


I won’t be down at the club tomorrow night but guess you or John will make an announcement re VHF FD Antenna testing so I’ve copied the address details below;


Sunday 7th May, 10am onwards;

Lever's Piece Farm, Ryehurst Lane, Binfield. RG42 5QZ 

And thanks to Ted for the What 3 words location for the entrance; proven.bleat.point.


We’ve got 2 brand new antennas to assemble and tune for 2m & 70cm and we’re hoping to set up 3 masts with rotators and mount the antennas & feeders so we can finalise the station setup we want to use on the actual Field day weekend so the more people the better.

My XYL will do some sausage rolls around lunchtime and so please email a quick reply if you’re planning to come along so we’ve got an idea of numbers. So far I have;

Simon   M0ZSU

John      G4RDC

Mike      G4CDF


Anyone else who’s planning to come please let me know if possible and I’ll add your callsign onto a sausage roll. Any questions, my mobile is 07831-453578. 73, NK


Kind Regards,

Nick Kerner




Kind Regards,

Nick Kerner


Marnoch Standen

Apr 26, 2023, 5:34:56 PM4/26/23
to Nick Kerner, Simon Watson, John Gumb, Reading and District Amateur Radio Group
I'm available and it's coronation weekend I have been told


Let's see if this email gets through....

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Apr 27, 2023, 2:29:31 AM4/27/23
to, Reading and District Amateur Radio Group
Hi Min,

Thanks, got both emails OK. Did you send it twice so you get 2 sausage rolls, is that it?
Cheers NK 

Kind regards, Nick Kerner

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy A3 2017 powered by Three

Nick Kerner

May 3, 2023, 5:10:21 AM5/3/23



Just a reminder for the VHF Field Day antenna testing this Sunday, 7th May, 10am onwards;

So far I have;

Simon   M0ZSU

John      G4RDC

Me         M0NPK

Mike      G4CDF

Min        G0JMS

Ted        G6IJK

Dave      G4RGK

Geoff     G4AAO


Anyone else who’s planning to come, please let me know and I’ll add you to the sausage roll list.


The 2 new antennas for 2m & 70cm are due to arrive tomorrow so we can build them and tune them on Sunday, plus we’re hoping to set up 3 masts and test the rotators so all help gratefully received.


Address is;

Lever's Piece Farm, Ryehurst Lane, Binfield. RG42 5QZ 

What 3 words location for the entrance; proven.bleat.point.

Any questions, my mobile is 07831-453578. 73, NK

Marnoch Standen

May 6, 2023, 9:12:54 AM5/6/23
to Reading and District Amateur Radio Group
Hi Nick

Hope the WX improves,,,, wet weather gear going into car.



May 6, 2023, 9:20:56 AM5/6/23
to Reading and District Amateur Radio Group
Hi Min,

Me too, forecast looks better for tomorrow so fingers crossed they're right. I've cleared space inside the barn for building up & tuning the antennas though just in case. I think we'll put the masts up on the concrete aswell as the field is a little damp. See you tomorrow, cheers, NK

Kind regards,
Nick Kerner M0NPK 

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy A3 2017 powered by Three
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