Gert Peersman is the Champion

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Dec 16, 2008, 6:04:29 PM12/16/08
to The Racketlon Chat
I wanted to congratulate the best racketlon player of 2008 Gert
Peersman. A fantastic servant to the sport. A sensational story of how
a "once upon a time" table tennis player gave up table tennis for
racketlon and is now the most consistent performer on the world
circuit. It is a great achievement and gives inspiration to us all. I
would love to lose my favourite sport and get to the final of a world
tour event (sorry Gert I had to mention our Scottish Open match -
21-17, 18-21, 10-21, 10-12 +12). I actually blame Jermaine Manners for
the squash set. At 4-0 it was brilliant, I won 3 strokes given by a
very fair referee. Suddenly the talented player (and referee) from
Leeds left the area and every ball was a let. That's squash for you in
Europe, what can you do, it's like appointing Paul Ince as the new CEO
for General Motors, "but I heard he was a successful captain for
Manchester United............". Enjoy the end of 2008 it's been a
cracking year. How about a post from the World Tour Race Champion?
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