Racket Shell

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William G Hatch

Aug 20, 2016, 3:17:47 PM8/20/16
to racket...@googlegroups.com
Hello everyone,

Being obsessed with shells and wanting very badly to have a racket
shell, I've spent a good chunk of time over the last couple of weeks
working on shell-related stuff for Racket. First is a library for shell
pipelines (that may also contain racket functions). The interface is
roughly like this (assuming `my-grep` is a racket function that
implements grep):

(run-pipeline '(ls -l) (list my-grep "foobar") '(wc -l))

The docs for that library are here [1].

Additionally, I've got a rough sketch of a line-based syntax for writing shell
scripts or using a shell repl with embedded racket code. Right now its syntax
looks like this:

#lang rash
ls -l | @my-grep "foobar" | wc -l
;; A line is not wrapped in a pipeline if it starts with &
;; You can get back into #lang rash syntax with @rash{} or @rash/out{}
&@(define ttys @rash/out{ls /dev | grep tty})

I want to change the line syntax a lot (especially to not need &), but I
decided to put it up (with some very rough documentation) here [2] to
get some feedback on what people think of it.

I'm really interested in people's thoughts about both parts and ways people
think they could be improved.


William Hatch

[1] http://docs.racket-lang.org/shell-pipeline/index.html
[2] http://docs.racket-lang.org/rash/index.html

Stephen Chang

Aug 20, 2016, 3:29:14 PM8/20/16
to William G Hatch, Racket-Users List
Cool! Will definitely check it out.

Is this at all related to Vincent's work? [1]

[1]: https://github.com/stamourv/rash
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William G Hatch

Aug 20, 2016, 3:45:28 PM8/20/16
to Stephen Chang, Racket-Users List
>Is this at all related to Vincent's work? [1]
>[1]: https://github.com/stamourv/rash

I had no idea that existed. (in my defense, I did google "racket
shell", "racket rash", etc before starting this)

I'll have to look at it as well.

Lehi Toskin

Aug 20, 2016, 6:05:06 PM8/20/16
to Racket Users
This is super neat. I'd be interested in using a Racket-based shell once it gets to be more polished.

Matthias Felleisen

Aug 20, 2016, 6:24:06 PM8/20/16
to William G Hatch, racket...@googlegroups.com

I’d love to use a Racket shell and script Unix in a ‘natural’ way.

You may wish to read up on scsh. While it was way ahead of its
time, Olin Shivers made the syntax as natural as possible so it
would be quickly useful to people used to basic shell scripting
syntax. After all, this syntax has a 40+ history and shouldn’t be
thrown out.

[1] https://scsh.net

Norman Gray

Aug 21, 2016, 4:46:38 PM8/21/16
to William G Hatch, racket...@googlegroups.com, Matthias Felleisen

William, hello.

On 20 Aug 2016, at 23:23, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

> You may wish to read up on scsh. While it was way ahead of its
> time, Olin Shivers made the syntax as natural as possible so it
> would be quickly useful to people used to basic shell scripting
> syntax. After all, this syntax has a 40+ history and shouldn’t be
> thrown out.

What Matthias said...

I think that Olin Shivers made a lot of excellent syntactical decisions
when designing scsh -- in particular his syntax for regular expressions
and for extended process forms -- to the extent that if one were simply
to reimplement the scsh syntax in Racket, that would be an excellent
departure point. This is not to dispute your own syntactical choices,
but in an enterprise like this, scsh would be the elephant in the room.

There have been a couple of attempts to support the scsh syntax in
Racket, and the scsh code is still under active, though rather
low-level, maintenance <https://github.com/scheme/scsh>. Incidentally,
scsh does start up very quickly, which is an attractive feature.

And this enthusiasm isn't just because scsh was the first Scheme
implementation I spent serious time with (*wipes wistful tear*).

Best wishes,


Norman Gray : https://nxg.me.uk
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

Matthias Felleisen

Aug 21, 2016, 5:07:43 PM8/21/16
to Norman Gray, William G Hatch, Racket Users

William & Norman,

as much as I give credit to scsh, I just think that taking clues from scsh is enough. One could expand surface syntax into William’s pipe library for example.

The irony is of course that scsh’s start-up time was so bad back then, that we couldn’t use it for anything real.

— Matthias

Matthias Felleisen

Aug 21, 2016, 10:47:33 PM8/21/16
to Norman Gray, William G Hatch, Racket Users, Tony Garnock-Jones

I just ran across this little thing:


People who want more shell ought to watch. It’s 2mins and cute — Matthias

William G Hatch

Aug 22, 2016, 12:59:53 AM8/22/16
to Matthias Felleisen, Norman Gray, Racket Users, Tony Garnock-Jones
I've looked over the scsh docs at various times, though I've never
actually used it -- it's never been pre-packaged for distros I've used,
and every time I've tried to build it I've run into errors. Perhaps I
should try again. As far as the process syntax goes, a little bit of
macros over my pipeline library should be able to get you something
pretty close. I'll probably do that later.

The parts of scsh aside from the process forms, like the regex stuff, I
think are mostly orthogonal to the process stuff, so that could probably
just be a different library, then they could be used together.

>I just ran across this little thing:
> https://asciinema.org/a/0utgivr7glk3ssn01fn5uwtey

A lot of that does look pretty good. I think he's probably right that
the |> piped output should be the last argument (I've had my `shellify`
wrapper making it the first).

>I’d love to use a Racket shell and script Unix in a ‘natural’ way.

Not just Unix -- it works on Windows too ;)

So is scsh what you consider natural?

I definitely want a nice s-expression syntax for it, but also a
convenient line-based syntax for interactive use. I like the idea that
you can more or less turn a transcript of such commands into a script --
one of the reasons I always encourage people to get used to using a
shell is that it makes you think a lot more about automating tasks when
you type the same command sequence often. It's something you just can't
do with GUI interfaces, and automating boring stuff is one of the joys
of programming. Having a nice upgrade path (just gradually put more of
it in regular racket until it turns into a "real" program) for those
scripts that seem to grow over time is also really appealing to me.

Thanks for the feedback.


Matthias Felleisen

Aug 22, 2016, 9:33:47 AM8/22/16
to William G Hatch, Norman Gray, Racket Users, Tony Garnock-Jones

> On Aug 22, 2016, at 12:59 AM, William G Hatch <wil...@hatch.uno> wrote:
> is scsh what you consider natural?

I’d like two different entry points:

— one for people who program in zsh, bash, tcsh, csh, sh, and perhaps even more primitive things (if they exist); scsh syntax appeals to those
— one for people like me who write Racket programs for their shell-like needs (HtDP/2e has several large script like that)

And of course, the ideal world has a path to go back and forth from these points. — Matthias, who always dreams of every thing

Vincent St-Amour

Aug 22, 2016, 12:17:34 PM8/22/16
to William G Hatch, Stephen Chang, Racket-Users List
FWIW, the one thing that my `rash` really did was to put your $PATH in
your Racket namespace. That's one of the aspects of bash that I think
are really interesting and useful, and was the motivation for the project.
That it's also a nice showcase for `#%app` is just gravy. :)

The other aspect of bash that I find interesting, and was hoping to
capture in `rash` was easy port redirection, pipelines, etc. bash makes
simple patterns really easy. Racket is more flexible, but requires more
scaffolding. I didn't find a design that would combine the simplicity of
bash with Racket's syntax.

Then there's also the implicit coercion story. Unix utilities basically
all consume newline-separated strings. Racket functions typically need
more specific kinds of inputs. So mixing the two together (which is
really the point of having bash as a #lang) ended up requiring a lot of
adapters. It's not clear to me how to get that without making the result
as "ad-hoc" as bash itself, though.

Anyway, just a few thoughts on the topic.


Hendrik Boom

Aug 22, 2016, 12:38:05 PM8/22/16
to Matthias Felleisen, Racket Users
This reminds me of Scribble, which has two syntaxes: one that looks like (and is)
Scheme, and one that's just ordinary text with a bit of markup..

-- hendrik

Andrew Gwozdziewycz

Aug 22, 2016, 12:38:41 PM8/22/16
to Vincent St-Amour, William G Hatch, Stephen Chang, Racket-Users List
This discussion has reminded of SHILL
which is less user focused, and more security / capabilities focused,
but the prototype (in Racket) utilizes contracts to enforce
capabilities checks.

I'm really into the idea of a nice Racket based shell that provides
more benefits than simply pipelines, though, `something/shell` did
look pretty neat by itself...
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Vincent St-Amour

Aug 22, 2016, 4:18:18 PM8/22/16
to Andrew Gwozdziewycz, Vincent St-Amour, William G Hatch, Stephen Chang, Racket-Users List
On Mon, 22 Aug 2016 11:38:37 -0500,
Andrew Gwozdziewycz wrote:
> This discussion has reminded of SHILL
> (https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/osdi14/osdi14-paper-moore.pdf)
> which is less user focused, and more security / capabilities focused,
> but the prototype (in Racket) utilizes contracts to enforce
> capabilities checks.

Yes, that's really cool work!

For those interested, Scott will be speaking about Shill at RacketCon[1]
next month.


[1] con.racket-lang.org

Andrew Gwozdziewycz

Aug 23, 2016, 2:02:05 AM8/23/16
to Vincent St-Amour, William G Hatch, Stephen Chang, Racket-Users List
Oh, rad! I will watch out for the video. Sadly, I won't be attending.

Daniel Bastos

Aug 24, 2016, 8:55:57 AM8/24/16
to William G Hatch, Racket Users
On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 4:17 PM, William G Hatch <wil...@hatch.uno> wrote:
> I'm really interested in people's thoughts about both parts and ways people
> think they could be improved.

Hi, William. Have you looked at ESHELL to see if it has anything of interest?

%(format-time-string "%D %H:%M:%S" (seconds-to-time 1471456370))
08/17/16 14:52:50

%for i in (list 'a 'b 'c) {echo $i}

%for i in (list 'a 'b 'c) {echo x = $i}
("x" "=" a)
("x" "=" b)
("x" "=" c)

This echo is actually a Lisp function.

%which echo
eshell/echo is a compiled Lisp function in `em-basic.el'

%which *echo

To invoke the echo program, use an asterisk:

%for i in (list 'a 'b 'c) {*echo x = $i}
x = a
x = b
x = c

The manual:

Eli Barzilay

Aug 25, 2016, 9:18:15 PM8/25/16
to William G Hatch, Matthias Felleisen, Norman Gray, Racket Users, Tony Garnock-Jones
On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 12:59 AM, William G Hatch <wil...@hatch.uno> wrote:
> I've looked over the scsh docs at various times, though I've never
> actually used it -- it's never been pre-packaged for distros I've
> used, and every time I've tried to build it I've run into errors.
> Perhaps I should try again. As far as the process syntax goes, a
> little bit of macros over my pipeline library should be able to get
> you something pretty close. I'll probably do that later.

There were some problematic points with the scsh macro -- something
around the implicit backquoting that made things not compose nicely.
I think that this was what Mike Sperber told me at some point.

((x=>x(x))(x=>x(x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!

Kieron Hardy

Sep 21, 2016, 2:17:09 AM9/21/16
to Racket Users, William G Hatch
I've been experimenting with 'shell/pipeline' on windows and post some tests and example results here in case they are of use to others:
- basic examples demonstrating windows external commands,
- basic examples demonstrating windows internal commands with standard cmd.shell,
- basic examples demonstrating windows internal commands with 'new' powershell.cmd shell,
- a more complex example showing a command pipeline using powershell commands to do sed-like and grep-like operations.




Examples using Windows external commands:

#lang racket/base

; windows-pipeline-1.rkt - basic windows commands with output to stdout and stderr

(require shell/pipeline)

; run racket, do arithmetic
(run-pipeline '(racket -e "(+ 41 1)") )

; run java, get java version
(run-pipeline '(java -version) )

; run where, find location of windows where.exe on path
(run-pipeline '(where where) )

; run where, find location of windows cmd.exe on path
(run-pipeline '(where cmd) )

Example execution from Windows command prompt:

C:\home\racket\shell>racket windows-pipeline-1.rkt > windows-pipeline-1.rkt.out 2>&1

C:\home\racket\shell>type windows-pipeline-1.rkt.out
java version "1.8.0_102"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_102-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.102-b14, mixed mode)

Examples using Windows internal commands, i.e. commands built-in to the cmd.exe shell:

#lang racket/base

; windows-pipeline-2.rkt - basic windows internal (cmd.exe) commands with output to stdout and stderr

(require shell/pipeline)

; note: run cmd.exe with /c switch to terminate cmd.exe after executing the given command, i.e. terminate without needing to execute the 'exit' command

; run windows cmd.exe shell, run internal 'dir' command to get directory listing of the root of C: drive
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c dir C:\\) )

; run windows cmd.exe shell, run internal 'set' command to the get a complete listing of the environment variables and their values
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c set) )

; run windows cmd.exe shell, run internal 'echo' command to send arguments to standard out
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c echo hello world) )

; run windows cmd.exe shell, run internal 'path' command to get the value of the PATH environment variable
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c path) )

; run windows cmd.exe shell, run internal 'echo' command to get the value of the PATH environment variable
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c echo %PATH%) )

Example execution from Windows command prompt:

C:\home\racket\shell>racket windows-pipeline-2.rkt > windows-pipeline-2.rkt.out 2>&1

C:\home\racket\shell>type windows-pipeline-2.rkt.out

 Volume in drive C is Windows
 Volume Serial Number is 4A0E-59A3

 Directory of C:\

05/06/2016  10:53 PM    <DIR>          Analytics
07/06/2015  09:57 AM    <DIR>          Brother
09/14/2015  07:49 AM    <DIR>          cygwin64
01/08/2016  05:00 PM    <DIR>          data
11/04/2015  02:18 PM           321,531 DUMP38fa.tmp
09/20/2016  02:51 PM    <DIR>          home
12/22/2014  07:04 PM    <DIR>          Intel
07/02/2015  01:19 PM    <DIR>          OSGeo4W64
07/13/2009  09:20 PM    <DIR>          PerfLogs
08/28/2016  08:48 PM    <DIR>          Program Files
09/20/2016  09:21 AM    <DIR>          Program Files (x86)
09/09/2015  05:50 PM    <DIR>          Python27
11/12/2015  01:16 PM    <DIR>          Python27_64
08/29/2016  02:47 PM    <DIR>          SWSETUP
09/20/2016  09:02 AM    <DIR>          tools
06/19/2015  02:41 PM    <DIR>          Users
08/02/2015  02:12 PM    <DIR>          wamp
09/14/2016  11:48 AM    <DIR>          Windows
09/07/2016  07:35 PM                42 windows-version.txt
               2 File(s)        321,573 bytes
              17 Dir(s)  366,015,729,664 bytes free
CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files


hello world
PATH=C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\tools\racket\racket32_6.5\Racket;C:\Program Files (x86)\...

C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\tools\racket\racket32_6.5\Racket;C:\Program Files (x86)\...


Examples using Windows powershell shell:

#lang racket/base

; windows-pipeline-3.rkt - basic windows internal (powershell.exe) commands with output to stdout and stderr

(require shell/pipeline)

; note: run powershell.exe with /Command switch to terminate powershell.exe after executing the given command, i.e. terminate without needing to execute the 'exit' command

; run windows external command 'where.exe', find location of windows powershell.exe on path
(run-pipeline '(where powershell) )

; run windows powershell.exe shell, run internal 'echo' command to get the value of the arguments to standard out
(run-pipeline '(powershell /Command "& {echo Hello World}") )

; run windows powershell.exe shell, run internal 'write-output' command
(run-pipeline '(powershell /Command "& {write-output "test output"}") )

; run windows powershell.exe shell, run internal 'write-output' command to get the list of running processes - similar to unix 'ps'
(run-pipeline '(powershell /Command "& {$p = get-process; write-output $p;}") )

Example execution from Windows command prompt:

C:\home\racket\shell>racket windows-pipeline-3.rkt > windows-pipeline-3.rkt.out 2>&1

C:\home\racket\shell>type windows-pipeline-3.rkt.out

Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K) VM(M)   CPU(s)     Id ProcessName                                                                                
-------  ------    -----      ----- -----   ------     -- -----------                                                                                
     78       9     2800       3052    86     2.57   1076 AccelerometerSt                                                                            
    163      10     7324       8220   574     0.50   1200 bash                                                                                       
    192      23    42140      48632   228   525.05   3184 chrome                                                                                     
    181      22    35228      27380   216     2.20   3944 chrome                                                                                     
    168       9     1496       3276    66     0.12   4608 chrome                                                                                     
    187      22    36600      28572   214     1.37   5304 chrome                                                                                     
    267      27    35896      30700   306     1.72   5708 chrome                                                                                     
    284      30    62344      56520   334   103.52   5740 chrome                                                                                     
   1508     101    69124      86340   408   136.67   2768 explorer                                                                                   
   1156     110   335276     389796   936 1,722.89   2124 firefox                                                                                    
      0       0        0         24     0               0 Idle                                                                                       
    384      27     8976      11068    91            1940 spoolsv                                                                                    
    797      35    31096      23580   135             580 svchost                                                                                    
     80      10     1672       2524    48             668 wininit                                                                                    
    118       9     3196       5396    57             960 winlogon                                                                                   



Examples using Windows command pipelines that include the powershell shell to mimic some basic *nix utilities:

#lang racket/base

; windows-pipeline-4.rkt - examples of command pipelines that include powershell.exe commands

(require shell/pipeline)

; note: run cmd.exe with /C switch to terminate cmd.exe after executing the given command, i.e. terminate without needing to execute the 'exit' command
; note: run powershell.exe with /Command switch to terminate powershell.exe after executing the given command, i.e. terminate without needing to execute the 'exit' command

; a 3-component chain:
; run windows internal cmd.exe command 'path' to get the contents of the environment variable PATH, send to a powershell to split on ';', send to another powershell to look for the case insensitive string 'system'
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c path) '(powershell /Command "$Input -split ';'") '(powershell /Command "$Input | select-string -pattern 'system'") )

; a 3-component chain:
; run windows internal cmd.exe command 'path' to get the contents of the environment variable PATH, send to a powershell to split on ';', send to another powershell to look for the case sensitive string 'system'
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c path) '(powershell /Command "$Input -split ';'") '(powershell /Command "$Input | select-string -pattern 'system' -casesensitive") )

; for completeness the same command in one powershell step:
; run windows internal powershell.exe command to get the 'path' environment variable, split on ';', select only those with case sensitive string 'system'
(run-pipeline '(powershell /Command "$Env:path | %{$_.split(';')} | select-string -pattern 'system' -casesensitive") )

Example execution from Windows command prompt:

C:\home\racket\shell>racket windows-pipeline-4.rkt > windows-pipeline-4.rkt.out 2>&1

C:\home\racket\shell>type windows-pipeline-4.rkt.out




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