Is there a precedent for hosting other languages on the Racket VM in
the same way that JRuby and Clojure live in the JVM or F# and
IronPython live on the CLR?
Is that interesting to users? Or implementers?
How technically difficult is it? (days/months/years)
Are there research opportunities there?
Best wishes,
For list-related administrative tasks:
Jay McCarthy <>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93
See the Algol60 experimental language, the #lang datalog language,
Dave Herman's javascript.plt planet package, etc.
sam th
Do these all translate to Racket syntax, and then the normal Racket
interpreter/compiler takes over? Or does anyone generate VM bytecode
My personal opinion is that this is a sign of a good thing.
Languages target the JVM because targeting Java is so painful, so we
should not be surprised that people DON'T do it.
Targeting Racket is designed to be easy with the syntactic extension
system, so we should not be surprised that people do it.
However, I do hope that people find Blake's work on providing a Racket
API for the bytecode to be a convenient way to interact with bytecode
for the purpose of analysis and arbitrary generation.
On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Neil Van Dyke <> wrote:
> Jay McCarthy wrote at 09/21/2010 03:02 PM:
>> We already have hosted Javascript, Algol 60, Datalog, R5RS, and R6RS. In
>> the past, we've had version of Java in the core. We have Python and SML out
>> there from people at Utah.
> Do these all translate to Racket syntax, and then the normal Racket
> interpreter/compiler takes over? Or does anyone generate VM bytecode
> directly?
> --
Jay McCarthy <>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93
> Or does anyone generate VM bytecode
> directly?
Just Matthew. :) More seriously, the bytecode is harder to generate,
not more expressive (I think) and generating it loses you
optimizations. Jay has a student working on a bytecode generator, but
I believe that's still alpha-stage.
sam th
I can only think of one optimization that runs on byte code. The byte
code is more expressive though, because you can represent things
(simple example: syntax objects) that you can't write down as Racket
> Jay has a student working on a bytecode generator, but
> I believe that's still alpha-stage.
As of last week's Git version, we can bring in and emit every zo that
"raco setup" produces in a way compatible with the C. This suggests
that it's no longer alpha. Now we are using it for its intended
purpose (whole program compilation) which will be a good example of
its use.
Jay McCarthy <>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93
For the reasons Jay explains, I'd be hard-pressed to imagine someone
wanting to compile a reasonably standard language directly to
bytecodes. Put differently, this is a "test case" of a language's
design, another one like its ability to express a meta-circular
On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Neil Van Dyke <> wrote:
Me too. Using Scheme as a target language was one of the reasons I
moved almost all my work to Scheme (maybe 9 years ago).
I wasted a shameful amount of time emitting Java in various projects in
When you say 'target language' do you mean using macros to generate Scheme?