Example "RealWorld" web application

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Philip McGrath

Mar 27, 2019, 8:03:57 PM3/27/19
to Racket Users
The RealWorld project defines a simple but realistic client–server web application (a Medium-like blogging platform) for different front- and back-end frameworks to implement as an extended tutorial example. The API is standardized, so different front- and back-ends can be used interchangeably. (The rationale was announced here.)

I think an example implementation in Racket would be a great way to get some visibility for Racket in the web development community. I would see it as complementary to Continue. (Maybe part or all of it could even be a literate program?)

I've made a stub repository at https://github.com/liberalartist/racket-realworld-example-app in the hope of doing some work on this in my spare time. If anyone is interested in collaborating, please get in touch!


Darren Newton

Mar 31, 2019, 8:19:40 AM3/31/19
to Racket Users
This is a great idea. Curious if you plan to do the front-end in Racketscript?


Apr 1, 2019, 3:58:26 PM4/1/19
to Racket Users
Very interesting thanks for sharing.
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