Rhombus meeting today

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Jack Firth

Oct 14, 2021, 2:57:13 PM10/14/21
to Racket Developers

The next Rhombus virtual discussion meeting is today at 1pm pacific time (3pm central time, 4pm eastern time). For today's meeting, I've drafted a State of Rhombus document we can discuss. Additional links are included below:

Zoom link
GitHub discussion thread
Calendar event

Jack Firth

Oct 14, 2021, 4:46:55 PM10/14/21
to Racket Developers
Meeting summary: we talked about the State of Rhombus document and agreed that it needs a few more concrete details about the next steps, especially in regards to our plan for Rhombus libraries. More information there would make it easier for people to find sections of the Rhombus project they can contribute to or take ownership of. I plan to add this information to the document and then we'll review it again at the next meeting on October 28th.
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