shhyou helped me figure this out; it was really my fault, as I was generating a new set!-transformer each time through the loop, instead of a call to a single transformer.
Fell in a standard macro trap.
William J. Bowman
> --
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> #lang racket
> (require (for-syntax racket/syntax))
> #|
> 1,000 fvars; let-syntax implementation
> cpu time: 1162 real time: 1165 gc time: 156
> 10,000 fvars; let-syntax implementation
> cpu time: 10928 real time: 10964 gc time: 1374
> 1,000 fvars; let implementation
> cpu time: 20 real time: 20 gc time: 3
> 10,000 fvars; let implementation
> cpu time: 225 real time: 225 gc time: 54
> |#
> (begin-for-syntax
> (define current-fvars (make-parameter 10000))
> (define (bind-fvars s n tail)
> #`(let-syntax
> #,(for/list ([i (in-range 0 n)])
> (with-syntax ([fvar (syntax-local-introduce (format-id #f "fv~a" i))]
> [offset i]
> [stack s])
> #`[fvar (make-set!-transformer
> (lambda (stx)
> (syntax-case stx ()
> [(set! id v)
> #`(vector-set! stack offset v)]
> [id (identifier? #'id)
> #`(vector-ref stack offset)])))]))
> #,tail)))
> (define-syntax (my-module stx)
> (syntax-case stx ()
> [(_ e ...)
> (with-syntax ([s #'stack])
> #`(let ([s (make-vector #,(current-fvars) (void))])
> #,(bind-fvars #'s (current-fvars) #`(begin e ...))))]))
> (define-namespace-anchor a)
> (displayln "1,000 fvars; let-syntax implementation")
> (time
> (eval
> '(begin
> (begin-for-syntax
> (current-fvars 1000))
> (my-module
> (set! fv0 8)
> (set! fv1 8)
> (+ fv0 fv1)))
> (namespace-anchor->namespace a)))
> (displayln "10,000 fvars; let-syntax implementation")
> (time
> (eval
> '(begin
> (begin-for-syntax
> (current-fvars 10000))
> (my-module
> (set! fv0 8)
> (set! fv1 8)
> (+ fv0 fv1)))
> (namespace-anchor->namespace a)))
> (define-for-syntax (bind-fvars2 n tail)
> #`(let #,(for/list ([i (in-range 0 n)])
> (with-syntax ([fvar (syntax-local-introduce (format-id #f "fv~a" i))])
> #`[fvar (void)]))
> #,tail))
> (define-syntax (my-module2 stx)
> (syntax-case stx ()
> [(_ e ...)
> (bind-fvars2 (current-fvars) #`(begin e ...))]))
> ;; expansion time increases with the number of let bindings, but not nearly as bad
> ;; expansion time seems to be 1ms per fvar, i.e., per let-syntax?
> (displayln "1,000 fvars; let implementation")
> (time
> (eval
> '(begin
> (begin-for-syntax
> (current-fvars 1000))
> (my-module2
> (set! fv0 8)
> (set! fv1 8)
> (+ fv0 fv1)))
> (namespace-anchor->namespace a)))
> (displayln "10,000 fvars; let implementation")
> (time
> (eval
> '(begin
> (begin-for-syntax
> (current-fvars 10000))
> (my-module2
> (set! fv0 8)
> (set! fv1 8)
> (+ fv0 fv1)))
> (namespace-anchor->namespace a)))