RE: TZ Postal Bank is Pioneer

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Jeremy Schwartz

Jun 13, 2014, 2:55:33 PM6/13/14
to Ross Wehner, Rachel Project, Judy Severson (, Denis Severson (, ( (

Hi Ross!


Thanks for forwarding the below.  I actually caught it on Facebook from Janice, but it’s great to get the e-mail as well.  Janice is really doing great stuff.  We’re having some more folks through head over to work in Tanzania and she’s been a great resource already.


Hope things are going well!





Jeremy Schwartz

Executive Director

Office: +1.415.535.2138

Mobile: +1.714.745.4841

World Possible is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Please consider a $2 monthly donation to support our work!


From: Ross Wehner []
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 5:26 AM
To: Jeremy Schwartz
Subject: Fwd: TZ Postal Bank is Pioneer


Hi Jeremy:

I assume you saw this! I thought this was pretty cool.

Ross Wehner


Executive Director
World Leadership School
5595 Sunshine Canyon Dr.

Boulder, CO 80302
o: 303.679.3412

skype: rosswehner


Begin forwarded message:


From: Janice Lathen <Janice...@POWERINGPOTENTIAL.ORG>

Subject: TZ Postal Bank is Pioneer

Date: June 9, 2014 at 3:17:12 PM MDT

To: Janice Lathen <>


Dear Patrons,


We are pleased to announce that Tanzania Postal Bank funded an installation of the first Powering Potential Pi-oneer. 


The Pi-oneer is a mobile projector/Raspberry Pi computer/solar unit which teachers can take into their classrooms to display RACHEL educational content for students. Even if a school has no electricity and no Internet they can still access this educational content with the Pi-oneer.


Read about it and see photos at our blog:



Let us know if you would like to fund a Pi-oneer at a Tanzanian school of interest to you.


Kind regards,




Janice Lathen

Founding Executive Director
Powering Potential
PO Box 230913
New York, NY  10023




zack matere

Jun 17, 2014, 2:19:20 AM6/17/14
 Hallo janice good work you are doing in TZ . We are just starting out here in Western kenya .Was skeptical about rachel content for Schools but was amazed at the response  we got from one of the top schools in western Kenya .st Peters Mumias Boys  has 40 + networked computers and the Boys are using Rachel for research and its only a week since installation. 
one big challange i now have is that the teachers need local content . do you have swahili content or can we team up and talk to the relevant bodies in kenya ,T.Z and the rest of East Africa to get swahili Content like the Swahili Kamusi(dictionary )  and others .Looking foward to interaction
Also do give me more details about the mobile phone projector . i will get you the contact of someone from lifeline energy who showed me this unit and is doing something with wind up radio
thanks for now zack

Janice Lathen

Jun 18, 2014, 9:07:01 AM6/18/14
to zack matere,, Ross Wehner,,, Jeremy Schwartz
Hello Zack,

Great news about the impact of RACHEL in Kenya. 

The problem with using local content (books) is securing the rights from the publishers. That's been my roadblock. 

It's my understanding that Asante Africa facilitated the translation of the Khan Academy videos into Swahili. I would check with them about that: We work in secondary schools, where English is the language of instruction, so we prefer the English videos.

For the projector and external batteries, we use Brookstone:

Hope that helps.

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