Queue Declare error with amq prefix

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ray zuniga

Aug 22, 2023, 3:58:54 PM8/22/23
to rabbitm...@googlegroups.com
RMQ v3.10.7 erlan 25.0.4

Client version: py-amqp 5.1.1

AMQP Access Refused 403 queue.declare : queue name 'amq.xx' contains reserved amq prefix

I have an app team that is getting the above error and im trying to figure out if its something in their reconnect logic that is causing this error specifically plus improper re-use of the auto generated name.

Any thoughts? tips ?

David Ansari

Aug 22, 2023, 5:14:49 PM8/22/23
to rabbitmq-users
Please read https://www.rabbitmq.com/queues.html#names

Queue names starting with "amq." are reserved for internal use by the broker. Attempts to declare a queue with a name that violates this rule will result in a channel-level exception with reply code 403 (ACCESS_REFUSED).

ray zuniga

Aug 23, 2023, 10:18:36 AM8/23/23
to rabbitm...@googlegroups.com

I read the section. some followup questions.

1. They have shown me configs are not declaring the queue statically (auto generated),
   1.b queues auto-delete + exclusive features
2. This error is intermittent.....this tells me if they were trying to create queue with amq prefix would mean it never works.. this is not the case, they  work 99 % of the time

This is what leads me to believe its a reconnect logic issue where they are taking the name after generation and passing it back for reconnect which then leads to the error.

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks for the responses

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Ravi Hara

May 31, 2024, 2:08:04 AMMay 31
to rabbitmq-users
That's right. The rabbitmq gives autogenerated queue name if we do not provide the name explicitly. As mentioned by Ray, this is intermittent and looks like some gap with the documentation and the actual Rabbitmq behaviour.
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