Mass creation of virtual hosts

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William Edwards

Jun 21, 2021, 3:25:00 AM6/21/21
to rabbitmq-users

I have about 5.000 'mini' users. I expect this number to grow. These users should not be able to access anything belonging to other users. I can think of two approaches:

- Use the user's name or ID as message topic on a topic exchange, and create a user permission for only that topic
- Create a virtual host per user, with their own exchanges etc.

I prefer the second option, because the more isolation, the better. However, I am wondering if creating that many virtual hosts is supported. I cannot think of any reason why it wouldn't. Each user will receive 2 messages a day at most, so each user's usage is very minimal, but of course there still has to be an exchange in memory for each user.


- Can I expect any problems creating that many virtual hosts?
- What kind of memory usage can I expect? Each virtual host will have about 3 exchanges, so 5.000 * 3 = 15.000 exchanges in memory.

Maybe someone can share some insights.
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