RabbitMQ LDAP not monitoring user

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Joe Taylor

Jun 6, 2024, 11:27:55 AMJun 6
to rabbitmq-users

I've been stuck on this for the past week or so. I'm trying to login to the Rabbit management UI, but I get user isn't a member of the management group.

WIndows LDAP

I've did a LDAP query test using ldapsearch and it does come back with a list of users in the group.

The RabbitMQ logs shows this when logging in, however the user in question is a member of the Admin and management security groups.

 [info] <0.1328.0> LDAP CHECK: login for joe-...@example.dev
[info] <0.409.0>     LDAP bind succeeded: CN=xxxx,OU=xxxx,OU=xxxx,OU=xxxx,DC=xxxx,DC=xxxx,DC=xxxx
 [info] <0.409.0>         LDAP filling template "${username}" with
 [info] <0.409.0>             [{username,<<“joe-...@example.dev">>}]
 [info] <0.409.0>         LDAP template result: “joe-...@example.dev"
 [info] <0.409.0>     LDAP DN lookup: joe-...@example.dev -> CN=Joe Test,OU=Infra,OU=Users,OU=Cloud,DC=example,DC=dev
 [info] <0.409.0>     LDAP bind succeeded: CN=xxxx,OU=xxxx,OU=xxxx,OU=xxxx,DC=xxxx,DC=xxxx,DC=xxxx
 [info] <0.409.0>     LDAP CHECK: does joe-...@example.dev have tag administrator?
 [info] <0.409.0>     LDAP evaluating query: {constant,false}
 [info] <0.409.0>     LDAP evaluated constant: false
 [info] <0.409.0>     LDAP DECISION: does joe-...@example.dev have tag administrator? false
 [info] <0.1328.0> LDAP DECISION: login for joe-...@example.dev: ok
 [debug] <0.1328.0> User ‘joe-...@example.dev' authenticated successfully by backend rabbit_auth_backend_ldap
[warning] <0.1328.0> HTTP access denied: user ‘joe-...@example.dev' - Not management user

    cluster_name = nonprod-rabbitmq
    auth_backends.3   = rabbit_auth_backend_internal
    auth_backends.1 = rabbit_auth_backend_ldap
    auth_backends.2 = internal
    auth_ldap.dn_lookup_base = OU=Users,OU=Cloud,DC=example,DC=dev
    auth_ldap.connection_pool_size = 256
    auth_ldap.idle_timeout = 30000
    auth_ldap.use_ssl = false
    auth_ldap.use_starttls = false
    auth_ldap.servers.1  = example.dev
    log.file.level = debug
    auth_ldap.dn_lookup_bind.user_dn = CN=svc.ldap,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=Cloud,DC=example,DC=dev
    auth_ldap.dn_lookup_bind.password = secure
    auth_ldap.dn_lookup_attribute = userPrincipalName
    auth_ldap.log = true

    {rabbit_auth_backend_ldap, [
                    ,{group_lookup_base,     "OU=Users,OU=Cloud,DC=example,DC=dev"}
                    ,{tag_queries, [
                        {administrator, { in_group, "CN=RabbitMQ_Administrators,OU=Groups,OU=Users,OU=Cloud,DC=example,DC=dev","member" }},
                        {management,    { in_group, "CN=RabbitMQ_Management,OU=Groups,OU=Users,OU=Cloud,DC=example,DC=dev","member"}}

Joe Taylor

Jun 6, 2024, 11:29:43 AMJun 6
to rabbitmq-users
Title is meant to be Not management user

Luke Bakken

Jun 6, 2024, 12:02:08 PMJun 6
to rabbitmq-users

The advanced configuration must be in a file named advanced.config, NOT advanced.conf

In addition, the correct key name should be  rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap

When RabbitMQ starts, it logs the log files that it finds, and should state that both rabbitmq.conf and advanced.config have been found.

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