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Beta feedback

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Thomas Zell

May 23, 2018, 11:17:10 AM5/23/18
to R2Mail2 BETA Test
Hi Stefan, a bit of feedback re. the beta. I switched from release to beta about a month ago and so far have not seen a single glitch. Everything works as smooth as before!
I use S/MIME and PGP regularly.
About time you make it an official release :-)

Device is a Samsung S7, english OS, latest Android version.
From I feature perspective I trust you have the technical side of things covered, so if there is anything I would ask for then it's a more modern user interface so I can take the app to user which don't really care about security. Ideally with an expert mode (=to set things up and for those users who know their stuff) and a simple, clean user mode which we can hand to non-IT users.


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