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Meeting Minutes April 9, 2021

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Mark Paluch

Apr 9, 2021, 10:16:18 AM4/9/21
to r2dbc
Hi all,

Please find the meeting minutes from our call on April 9, 2021, at [0]. 
The next call will be on May 7th, 2021.

Thanks to all who participated.


- Welcome
- SPI 0.9 Enhancement Proposals
- Request for SPI 0.9/1.0 Review Process
- Arabba SR10 Planning
- Driver and Community updates
- Request for Maintainers
- R2DBC Blog Post Series
- Q&A/Open Discussion

Discussion around SPI 0.9 Enhancement Proposals

Offer result type agnostic mapping to Result (#207)

* Is the proposal a typical use-case or a corner-case approach? Probably both, as we don't have an approach to consume error signals (without terminating the stream) or OUT params. The corner-case aspect stems from a generic SQL statement runner utility where the caller wants to make sense from the individual response segments so the target mapping type T would be either Object or a container (AtomicReference, Optional). 
* Learn more about usage patterns
* Ticket requires more design

Make type conversion a first-class concept when parsing options (#206)

* Suggestion to offer parsers for well-known driver-specific options
Driver options are not holding on to their type, the generic type aids programmatic configuration and gets lost during runtime. Drivers declaring the same option name could have different types and at the time the Connection URL gets parsed, the parser isn't aware of any driver-declared options.
* Suggestion to extend options declared on SPI level and to introduce formats for these (e.g. connect timeout to be parsed as Duration) as needed
* Ticket requires more design

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