Version 0.4 of the resample package is on CRAN

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Tim Hesterberg

Apr 13, 2015, 3:58:22 PM4/13/15
Version 0.4 of the resample package is on CRAN.

The limits.percentile and other confidence interval functions are
renamed to CI.percentile, CI.t. (For now the old versions work, with
a warning.)

The default number of replications is now 10^4 (9999 for permutation testing).

CI.percentile and CI.bca have an "expand" argument; this gives coverage closer
to 95%.

Add jackknife, CI.bca, CI.bootstrapT.

For other changes, see ChangeLog.txt in the package.

Tim Hesterberg
 (resampling, water bottle rockets, computers to Costa Rica, hot shower = 2650 light bulbs, ...)

What Teachers Should Know about the Bootstrap: Resampling in the Undergraduate Statistics Curriculum

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