The underlying reason is that the model does not fit well with the data, which
cause the issues.
What happens in practise is that the exponent in the likelihood-model, alpha,
goes nuts, and then numerical issues appear and the program fail to recover.
You can prevent alpha to move much, changing your '' into = list(variant = 1,
hyper = list(alpha = list(param = c(10^3, 10^3)))))
with this I get alpha=20 about, which is to me, crazy high.
Please check for possible data/model missmatch
please add 'scale.model=T' (see vignette about this)
f(spatial_id, model = "bym", scale.model = TRUE, graph = adj.matrix.113.csparse)
+ f(time, model="rw2", scale.model = TRUE)
and 'bym2' is a better choice than 'bym' (better priors and parameterisation)
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Håvard Rue