On Tue, 2013-03-19 at 09:33 -0400, Ye Li wrote:
> is it on the log scale? Here are values of my cpo, does it mean the
> model is bad?
you're right. its not on log-scale. its on the original scale. my fault.
sorry about that.
here is a test-case
> r=inla(y ~ 1, data = data.frame(y=-10:10), control.fixed =
list(prec.intercept = 1e9), control.compute=list(cpo=TRUE),
control.family = list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial =
> r$cpo$cpo
[1] 7.700962393e-23 1.028664336e-18 5.054929575e-15 9.138382759e-12
[5] 6.077658821e-09 1.487017471e-06 1.338469883e-04 4.432144575e-03
[9] 5.399231985e-02 2.419707179e-01 3.989389539e-01 2.419707179e-01
[13] 5.399231985e-02 4.432144575e-03 1.338469883e-04 1.487017471e-06
[17] 6.077658821e-09 9.138382759e-12 5.054929575e-15 1.028664336e-18
[21] 7.700962393e-23
> dnorm(-10:10)
[1] 7.694598627e-23 1.027977357e-18 5.052271084e-15 9.134720408e-12
[5] 6.075882850e-09 1.486719515e-06 1.338302258e-04 4.431848412e-03
[9] 5.399096651e-02 2.419707245e-01 3.989422804e-01 2.419707245e-01
[13] 5.399096651e-02 4.431848412e-03 1.338302258e-04 1.486719515e-06
[17] 6.075882850e-09 9.134720408e-12 5.052271084e-15 1.027977357e-18
[21] 7.694598627e-23
Håvard Rue
Håvard Rue