Can you please tell me where INLA is failing? I did a few parallel computation. Some of them it worked. For some of the cases I obtained this following error.
How to resolve this issue? I ran for a GLM poisson with random spatial effect with some fixed value of the hyperparameters in besag kernel, loggamma with log(1e^-04) as initial value fixed so that we can cotrol over the spatial varying coefficients in their own way, should not be too restrictive.
gsl: interp.c:83: ERROR: x values must be strictly increasing
gsl: interp.c:83: ERROR: x values must be strictly increasing
Default GSL error handler invoked.
Default GSL error handler invoked.
sh: line 1: 3817259 Segmentation fault (core dumped) '/gpfs/homefs1/alm20014/rlibs/INLA/bin/linux/64bit/' -s -v -t128:1 -P compact '/gpfs/sharedfs1/R_temp/RtmpGxRY8L/file3a363950b87095/Model.ini' > '/gpfs/sharedfs1/R_temp/RtmpGxRY8L/file3a363950b87095/Logfile.txt'
Error in inla.inlaprogram.has.crashed() :
The inla-program exited with an error. Unless you interupted it yourself, please rerun with verbose=TRUE and check the output carefully.
If this does not help, please contact the developers at <>.
Calls: data_train_function ... -> inla -> inla.core -> inla.inlaprogram.has.crashed
Execution halted