Quasiturbine - Récentes Actualités - 30 juin 2007Ce rapport d'actualités vient d'être ajouté en dernière partie de la page:This Actuality Report has been added at the end of the page:
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Au sommaire:Great Quasiturbine succès at 2007 Turbo Expo Conference www.asmeconferences.org/te07/
IGTI — International Gas Turbine Institute / ASME — American Society of Mechanical EngineersQuasiturbine - Low RPM High Torque Pressure Driven Turbine
For Top Efficiency Power Modulation
(Peers reviewed) www.quasiturbine.com/Presse/QTASME2007.htm
Available from http://catalog.asme.org/ConferencePublications/CDROM/2007_Proceedings_Turbo_Expo.cfm
Typical comparison:
Engine displacement versus the Total engine volume4 strokes engine type Unit displacement Engine volume
Piston 1 15 to 20
Wankel 1 5 to 7
Quasiturbine 1 1.3 to 2The Quasiturbine is a positive displacement turbine
with a total displacement almost equal to the engine volume
(Imagine one day, a 3 liters car engine into a 3 liters volume!)
Meilleures salutations, Gilles
Quasiturbine (Kyotomoteur) Agence
www.quasiturbine.com ou www.kyotomoteur.com or www.kyotoengine.com
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