Energy Central - List of Quasiturbine Paper Publication
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Recently published in Energy Central:A White Paper
Engine Exhaust Heat Recovery with Quasiturbines
Offering Essential Efficiency Characteristics, by Carol Crom***************************************List of Quasiturbine Publications in Energy Central:***************************************Engine Exhaust Heat Recovery with Quasiturbines
Offering Essential Efficiency CharacteristicsPublished By Quasiturbine Agence
Published March 25 2007
By Carol Crom
35 Page(s)
The energy components carried away by the exhaust, are primarily results of incomplete combustion, incomplete expansion, sensible heat, and latent heat of the water vapor created by burning of the hydrogen component of fuel. This paper looks at the management of heat recovery energy and power, which could reach the 25% range in steady driving and much more in city driving (available energy increasing with decreased engine efficiency). Brayton and Rankin Quasiturbine systems are described as the best possible heat recovery techniques, which also could apply to geothermal, industrial processes, solar, biomass combustion… and to nuclear heat as well. The extremely compact and efficient Quasiturbine technology is needed to accomplish these goals.***************************************The Saint-Hilaire Quasiturbine As The Basis
For A Simultaneous Paradigm ShiftPublished By eMOTION!
Published December 15 2003
By Myron D. Stokes
15 Page(s)
Amidst myriad, and many times unsupportable, claims of technological breakthroughs capable -- fuel cells being at the top of this contention -- of inducing vehicular design and engineering paradigm shifts, we have concluded that the Saint-Hilaire "Quasiturbine" may very well provide impetus to retire the piston engine. It has served humanity for nearly two centuries, and has earned its rest. eMOTION! is providing a comprehensive white paper that will perhaps allow you to reach the same conclusion...***************************************A Six-Stroke, High-Efficiency Quasiturbine Concept Engine
With Distinct, Thermally-Insulated
Compression and Expansion ComponentsPublished By Quasiturbine Agence
Published September 1 2005
By George Marchetti and Gilles Saint-Hilaire
16 Page(s)
One of the most difficult challenges in engine technology today is the urgent need to increase engine thermal efficiency. This paper presents a Quasiturbine thermal management strategy in the development of high-efficiency engines for the 21st century. In the concept engine, high- octane fuels are preferred because higher engine efficiencies can be attained with these fuels. Higher efficiencies mean less fuel consumption and lower atmospheric emissions per unit of work produced by the engine. While the concept engine only takes a step closer to the efficiency principles of Beau de Rochas, it is readily feasible and constitutes the most efficient alternative to the ideal efficiencies awaiting the development of the Quasiturbine photo-detonation engine, in which compression pressure and rapidity of ignition are maximized.***************************************Quasiturbine: Technical Discussion
Comparing the Quasiturbine With Other Common EnginesPublished By Quasiturbine Agence
Published October 1 2005
By Carol Crom
18 Page(s)
The Quasiturbine is a rotary engine which is much different than the Wankel and other similar rotary engines. The four blade chain-like deformable rotor provides additional degrees of freedom which permit the pressure volume (PV) function to be optimized for thermodynamic performance. Neither piston engines nor rotary engines like the Wankel can achieve performance equal to that which can be achieved by the Quasiturbine of the equivalent size. It should be recognized that because of physical and practical constraints, the modern Otto cycle based engines deviate significantly from the classic Otto cycle and the modern Diesel cycle based engines deviate significantly from the classic Diesel cycle. Consequently, the efficiency achievable with the conventional engine designs are much less. The way the Quasiturbine circumvents many of the problem encountered with piston and the Wankel engines is discussed.***************************************