"Failed to launch JVM"

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Марк Волошин

Jun 12, 2018, 2:52:17 PM6/12/18
to QuPath users

Hello from Russia!

There was a problem opening the format "SVS". What does the error  "Failed to launch JVM" mean? It is interesting that everything svs was open without any problems, xiaomi notebook pro 8 GB. At the moment, the format from another folder opens without any problems. But I need these thousand suddenly broken "SVS" for my work now. Re-installation of QuPath has not solved the problem.

Thanks for your attention. I’m looking forward to your reply.


Jun 12, 2018, 3:20:18 PM6/12/18
to QuPath users
Are you launching QuPath by double-clicking on an SVS file, or do you start QuPath separately and then drag your SVS file on top of it to open it?

My guess is the first one, because "Failed to launch JVM" sounds like QuPath can't start at all - and fails before even trying to open the images.

Is this correct?  If so, if you just try to launch QuPath separately - without opening any image - does that work?
If you can start QuPath, do you see any error messages under View -> Show log?
Finally, are you using QuPath v0.1.2 or some other version?

Марк Волошин

Jun 12, 2018, 4:37:24 PM6/12/18
to QuPath users
"Are you launching QuPath by double-clicking on an SVS file, or do you start QuPath separately and then drag your SVS file on top of it to open it?" - I use both methods, but the result does not change.

But thank you so much! When I opened the log, I saw the problem in the wrong path, with Russian symbols. I moved svs to a folder with English symbols, and it all worked! It's so simple!

Once again many thanks! :)



Jun 13, 2018, 4:55:25 PM6/13/18
to QuPath users
Excellent, glad I could help somehow - even if I didn't know what the problem was :)
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