Controlling RDK with App?

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Adrian McCallum

Apr 13, 2015, 11:09:00 PM4/13/15
Hi All

I'm trying to control the RDK using the Android app. but I can't seem to get the radar to transmit.

It seems that I'm connected OK & I can change settings etc. but I can't seem to 'start' things via the app.

Can anyone please assist?

I know that the Quick Start guide stresses that I need to push the sw1 push-button and I have done this, but I still can't get the light-bar scrolling etc. nor can I see any data.

Thanks for your help.



RDK Support

Apr 14, 2015, 11:03:03 AM4/14/15
Hi Adrian, 

It is interesting that you are able to set the radar parameters but are not able to collect any data (confirmed by seeing the light bar scrolling).  I know you said it connected OK, but double check that it says "Connected to RDK <your serial number>" in the top left corner of the app.  You can also try troubleshooting using the Bluetooth I/O window in the QMRDK app.  Sending the "capt:stre 200" or "capt:fram 200" command should cause the LED bar to scroll. If you don't see the LEDs scroll there is probably an issue with the Bluetooth connection between your android device and the RDK.  

Have you tried using any other Android devices?  I'm going to take a quick look at the QMRDK app code and see if I see anything that may be causing this issue. 

Adrian McCallum

Apr 14, 2015, 11:12:26 PM4/14/15
Hi there; thanks for your prompt reply.

I am able to enter parameters in the settings screen, but after doing so, I'm not sure exactly how to implement or make those submissions active, if that makes sense; I'm not sure how I turn the radar 'on'?

Connection is enabled to the specific radar unit.

I will cx the troubleshoot you mention thank you.

Can you please advise whether there is any more guidance wrt the app? I wasn't quite sure where to start, whether to choose 'Quickstart' etc. and what each selection does??

Thanks again.

Adrian McCallum

Apr 15, 2015, 7:30:46 PM4/15/15
G'day again.
I tried the "capt" command and although I'm connected (see screenshot) the send button didn't 'work' or nothing occurred when I repeatedly pushed it.
Also, every time I attempt to get it running, I need to re-input all my settings; not sure if this is correct?
I wondered please if it's possible to receive a step-by-step guide to using the app?
Also, I'm still not exactly sure whether pushing the SW1 button is required...
Apologies for all the questions; all advice is appreciated, thank you.

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