Weird Album Sort in Cover Grid

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Matt V

Feb 13, 2019, 5:26:48 PM2/13/19
to Quod Libet Development
Fantastic program. Was looking for something customizable but not as crazy as Foobar. This fits the bill wonderfully. Not sure if this is a bug or I'm doing something I just can't see for the life of me (also not sure where to post user questions for the community at large to answer - this seems like a place to do so but if there is another more appropriate, by all means educate me.)

I want to use the Cover Grid sorted by Artist. I assume when there are multiple albums with the same artist, it then uses <album> which I also assume can be overridden by using <albumsort>. However, it's sorting seemingly random for albums by the same artist. It's not using any date, it's not using <albumsort>, it's not even using the alphabetical name of the album. For example, "Singable Songs" is coming before "Baby". I have two versions of "2112" coming before "Rush" and then more versions of "2112". The years are going from 1976, to 1974 then back to 1976.

How does cover grid (and by extension any of the album browsers) actually sort the albums? Is anyone working on anything to add customizable sorting parameters to the browsers?
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