Creating a commit with multiple authors - GitHub Docs

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Nathan Henrie

May 2, 2022, 5:53:49 PM5/2/22
to Quicksilver

Just thought I'd share a GitHub feature I'd not previously known about: adding `Co-authored-by: name <>` to a commit message gives that person "credit" for helping author a commit.

It seems like this might be a nice way to give a little thumbs up to new contributors whose PRs need a little brushing up before they can be merged -- or at least a nice alternative if they're having trouble implementing recommendations.

Rob McBroom

May 4, 2022, 8:20:12 AM5/4/22
to Quicksilver
Cool. I’ve seen that happen automatically after a rebase or something, but nice to know you can do it intentionally.

Rob McBroom
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