error installing clsql

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Apr 7, 2020, 4:41:03 PM4/7/20
to Quicklisp

I'm trying to install clsql via quicklisp.
OS: Ubuntu 18.04
GNU CLISP 2.49.60+

When I run: -> (ql:quickload "clsql")

it runs into the following error:
*** - Error while trying to load definition for system clsql from pathname
     /home/xxx/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/clsql-20160208-git/clsql.asd: Error
     while trying to load definition for system clsql from pathname
     /home/xxx/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/clsql-20160208-git/clsql.asd: Error
     while trying to load definition for system cffi from pathname
     DESTRUCTURING-BIND: (OPERATE 'TEST-OP :CFFI-TESTS) does not match lambda list element
     (O C)
Mögliche Optionen:
SKIP           :R1      skip (DEFSYSTEM cffi DESCRIPTION ...)
RETRY          :R2      retry (DEFSYSTEM cffi DESCRIPTION ...)
STOP           :R3      stop loading file /home/jkiefer/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cffi_0.21.0/cffi.asd
REINITIALIZE-SOURCE-REGISTRY-AND-RETRY :R4 Retry finding system cffi after reinitializing the source-registry.
ABORT          :R5      Give up on "cffi-uffi-compat"
SKIP           :R6      skip (EVAL-WHEN # #)
RETRY          :R7      retry (EVAL-WHEN # #)
STOP           :R8      stop loading file /home/jkiefer/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/clsql-20160208-git/clsql.asd
REINITIALIZE-SOURCE-REGISTRY-AND-RETRY :R9 Retry finding system clsql after reinitializing the source-registry.
SKIP           :R10     skip (OPERATE 'LOAD-OP 'CLSQL-CFFI)
RETRY          :R11     retry (OPERATE 'LOAD-OP 'CLSQL-CFFI)
STOP           :R12     stop loading file /home/jkiefer/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/clsql-20160208-git/clsql.asd
REINITIALIZE-SOURCE-REGISTRY-AND-RETRY :R13 Retry finding system clsql after reinitializing the source-registry.
ABORT          :R14     Give up on "clsql"
ABORT          :R15     Abort main loop

Can the error result from wrong local installation of clisp and/or quicklisp?
Is it a general problem?
Can you give a hint to solve the problem?

thx and best regards

Zach Beane

Apr 7, 2020, 6:36:23 PM4/7/20
to quicklisp
You need to install your own version of ASDF to use CLSQL on CLISP.

If that's easy for you, good - otherwise, I recommend using any implementation other than CLISP.


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